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Operation: Cobra Is Back novel Chapter 84

The next morning, Duncan drove Alyssa to work.

Alyssa sat in the passenger seat and looked at Duncan in a complicated mood.

It seemed that it was the first time that Duncan had sent her to work like this since they got married for nearly a year!

"Why are you staring at me? Is there anything?"

At this moment, Duncan's teasing voice came. "I know I'm handsome, but I'll be embarrassed if you keep staring at me like this."

"You're still handsome? Are you embarrassed?"

Alyssa was extremely depressed. She had never seen such a shameless person!

She simply ignored him, and withdrew her gaze, and took a document to read.

After a while, the car stopped at the gate of the group. Without saying a word, Alyssa directly slammed the door and left.

Duncan habitually rubbed his nose. Just as he was about to drive the car to the parking lot, a blue Porsche 911 suddenly stopped in front of him, blocking his way?

Just as Duncan was puzzled, the door opened and Roy came out of the car.

"What are you doing here?"

Duncan did not like him very much and could not help asking with a frown.

In fact, Roy also looked down on Duncan. Before that, he had investigated Duncan and found that he was just a gigolo, so he was even more disdainful.

The reason why he came here today was that his sister called him and asked him to apologize to Duncan!


How he was noble! "Should I apologize to a gigolo?" "Dream on!"

"I'm telling you: don't play dirty tricks behind my back. You think you're on good terms with my sister and ask her to suppress me. I'll bow to you! In your dreams, I won't apologize to you!"

Roy Brown stood by the car, pointing at Duncan Longman and scolding him.

"Are you out of your mind?"

Duncan Longman was speechless.

"Don't play those tricks. Your little trick is not worth mentioning in front of me!"

Roy Brown made up his mind and left without hesitation.

Roy Brown was looking at Roy Brown's back as he drove away. Duncan Longman only felt confused. He scolded Roy for being crazy and drove into the parking lot.

However, according to his guess, the Elixir he gave Gladys Brown must have worked. Otherwise, the Brown family would never have asked Roy Brown to apologize to him.

However, Roy Brown didn't know the reason. He was a proud man. How could he apologize to him?

He simply ignored him. After entering the company, he wandered around the security department.

"Duncan Longman!"

Alan immediately came over with a smile on his face. "I've already settled yesterday's matter. Don't worry, I won't betray you!"

"What happened yesterday? What happened?"

Duncan Longman asked blankly.

Seeing Duncan Longman's expression, Alan laughed and nodded his head. "It's nothing. Nothing happened yesterday."

Hearing this, Duncan Longman also smiled tacitly.

Both of them were smart. There were some things that did not need to be explained clearly.

As for Marvin Richards, he didn't appear in the company today, which meant he had solved a small problem.

Next, Duncan Longman wandered around the company. Anyway, he was Alyssa Kent's exclusive driver and bodyguard. If Alyssa Kent didn't go out, no one would let him do anything.


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