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Operation: Cobra Is Back novel Chapter 86


"Stop fighting..."

Mr. Kwok and the others came to their senses and immediately shouted.

However, the situation had happened too quickly. When they were about to stop Roy Brown, he had already slapped him hard.

Marvin Richards' face was swollen at a visible speed. Several broken teeth fell to the ground, and his mouth was empty, making vague sounds of begging for mercy.

"Get lost!"

Roy Brown ignored them. When he was subdued by Mr. Kwok and the others, he kicked Marvin Richards hard in his face!

Poor Marvin Richards didn't realize what was going on at all. His handsome face was disfigured!

"Mr. Policeman, did you see it? It's him who hurt people. Why don't you take him away?"

At this time, Duncan stepped forward with a smile on his face and said.

Mr. Kwok and the others were so angry that their noses were crooked. Did they really think we were blind or deaf? Don't think that we didn't know it was you who ordered Roy Brown to hit him!

However, Roy Brown's identity was so special that they didn't dare to catch him.

Roy Brown's attitude towards Duncan was like a grandson meeting his grandfather, which made them even more afraid.

They would be in deep trouble if they catch him!

"That's right. It's me who hit him. Hurry up and catch me!"

Just then, Roy Brown's impatient voice rang out.

In his opinion, this was definitely Duncan's punishment!

As long as Duncan punished him, it meant that Duncan was willing to forgive him. Of course, Roy Brown didn't dare to say anything else. He also stretched out his hands cooperatively, waiting for Mr. Kwok and others to handcuff him.

Several policemen looked embarrassed and subconsciously looked at Mr. Kwok.

Mr. Kwok gritted his teeth. Although he didn't know what kind of farce this was, he had to listen to Roy Brown's words.

"Let's handcuff him!"

After Mr. Kwok gave the order, a man came up with an embarrassing look and said, "Roy Brown, I'm sorry."

"It's ok. You did a good job. Thank you, thank you!"

The policeman was puzzled. It was the first time that he had heard someone being arrested said thanks to him.

Strange things happened every year, and there were so many of them today!

Soon, Roy Brown was handcuffed. As for Marvin Richards, who was beaten badly, was also taken to the car, ready to be sent to the hospital for treatment.

Roy Brown turned his head and shouted at Duncan, "Duncan, I've done what you told me. You must tell my dad that you've forgiven me!"

Duncan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He shook his head and watched several police cars leave in front of him.

On the other side, Alan looked at Duncan strangely.

Since he had managed to survive to this point, he was naturally not stupid. From what had happened just now, he knew that Duncan was definitely not an ordinary person. His attitude toward Duncan became more and more cautious.

After finally sending Roy Brown away, Duncan didn't think much about it. After lunch with Alan, he returned to the company.

Alyssa Kent was quite busy. She had to deal with the company's affairs and the research. He could not see her for almost a whole day.

Duncan was also very happy and did not disturb her.

Suddenly, his phone rang. It was Erica Wilson.

"Duncan, are you free? I want to invite you to the auction."


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