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Operation: Cobra Is Back novel Chapter 88

With Lennon Wilson around, of course, there was no need for attendants to lead the way. After a while, the four finally stopped in front of the auction venue.

It turned out to be an antique three-story wooden building, and even the windows were made of paper.

A plaque was hung high on the top floor, and there were three words written on it: the Antique Attic!

The only defect was that there were eight strong men in modern security uniforms standing at the door, a security door, and several rows of automatic storage cabinets, which looked particularly strange.

Seeing the appearance of the four people, one of the security guards came forward and said respectfully, "Please show us your invitation cards."

Lennon Wilson immediately took out a black invitation card with gold border from his pocket and handed it over.

The security guard took it and looked at it carefully. After making sure it was correct, he pointed to the automatic storage cabinet next to him.

"Gentlemen, you are not allowed to bring metal objects inside. Please put the metal things in the cabinet over there. If you lose something, we will compensate you at the original price!"

Duncan could not help but raise his brows when he heard this. He thought to himself, "Isn't the underground auction too strict?"

"That's the rule here. Some people were dissatisfied before, but they were directly beaten and thrown out. That night, his company announced bankruptcy."

Erica Wilson, who was next to Duncan, leaned over and explained in a low voice, "It is said that the industry here belongs to a big shot in B City."

Duncan was stunned. He did not expect the boss behind the auction to be so capable.

However, he just came to join in the fun and did not say much. The four of them found a cabinet and locked their personal metal property. After safely passing through the security door, the security guard who checked the invitation card turned around and knocked on the closed door.


The door opened from the inside and a young woman in a classic dress walked out. She smiled sweetly and said, “four distinguished guests, please follow me."

Under the guidance of the young woman, they entered this antique pure wood building. Duncan could finally see the structure inside.

A red platform was built in the middle and back of the first floor. Obviously, it was the host of the auction.

There were more than 50 comfortable massage chairs in front of the high platform. At this time, most of them were sitting, and the people who were close to each other were whispering something.

The second floor was divided into nine wing-rooms, with only a screen in the middle. Not to mention the sound, even the sight could not be blocked.

Even Duncan couldn't help muttering to himself when he saw this scene at first glance, "No wonder Kent Morris was so sarcastic before. I'm afraid that a person who wasn’t a millionaire not qualified to enter!"

"Please wait a moment, boss. The auction is about to begin."

The waitress led them to room No. 5 on the second floor and left sweetly.

"Master, you're finally here."

At this time, the No. 6 private room, which was separated by a screen, suddenly sounded, which made Duncan frown.

He turned around and saw Kent Morris and Zoe Miller sitting in the No. 6 private room!

In addition, there was an old scholar wearing an old-fashioned Tang suit and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. He held a string of black beads in his hand and looked like an old scholar.

"Ran!" Seeing the old man through the screen, Erica Wilson could not help but raise her eyebrows slightly.

Duncan noticed Erica Wilson's strange behavior and asked curiously, "Do you know her?"

Erica Wilson nodded and replied, "He is an appraiser. There was an auction, grandpa invited him to come back to appraise. Later, he found two fakes."


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