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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 101

Chapter 101

Since Cedrick was not home, Albert-being the family butler-was worried that the young master would accidentally fall and hurt himself.

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and pushed open the door to the study. Inside, Miles was reading a book by the desk, his expression seemingly solemn and concentrated.

This place had many of the books he had always wanted to read but could never afford. Miles was so immersed in his reading that the sound of the door pushed open startled him instantly.

He raised his gaze.

“Grandpa Albert, you scared me,” said Miles, his widely opened mouth slowly flattened as he saw the butler.

“Goodness, my boy! Oh, you’re alright!

“Master Cedrick mentioned that you broke your leg, and you don’t know how that frightened me!” said Albert as he carefully scanned ‘Ollie’ from head to toe.

Upon confirming the boy was fine, relief washed over him.

The moment Albert wanted to report this to Cedrick, however, he realized that the communication line had been cut off!

Cedrick hung up the phone as an indescribable expression formed on his face. He pinched his slightly wrinkled eyebrows. .

Had he been too lenient to Ollie, or perhaps neglected in disciplining him?

Ollie had lied, ran away, and even caused a whole commotion at the police station.

It seemed that the punishment he gave had not only failed to educate him, but also stimulated his rebellious mentality.


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