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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 104

Chapter 104

The incident of Ollie falling down the stairs had haunted Catelyn for a long while..

Catelyn longed to see the boy.

Sure, she and Cedrick had a complicated… ‘relationship’ before, but since he was with that female star, everything should have washed out already, no?

With that thought in mind, Catelyn bought a bunch of carnations and folded a large box of paper clovers, intending to give it to Ollie as a gift in return.

She prayed he would like it.

Not knowing which hospital Ollie was in, Catelyn first contacted Albert.

The long asphalt road was lined with tall trees on both sides of the curbs, and at the end of it erected a Europeian-style villa with a guard standing by the entrance of a majestic carved iron gate.

It was only after Catelyn entered Mason Villa that she realized that Ollie did not break his leg at all, and it was a lie used to deceive Cedrick.

Catelyn was rendered speechless. After all, Ollie did not look like the type to lie.

“Miss Clark, please have a seat. Master Cedrick took the young master out for some exercise, and he should be back in a while,” said Albert as he instructed the servant to serve Catelyn tea.

Since Ollie was fine, Catelyn did not want to stay any longer. She handed the carnation and paper clovers to Albert, requesting them to be given to Ollie.

“I’ll see Ollie another day. Thank you for your hospitality,” said Catelyn. “Miss Clark, are you leaving already?” asked Albert.

He did not like Catelyn very much at first, feeling that she was deliberately approaching Ollie with a certain intent. As he got to know her better, he realized she was, in fact, sincere to Ollie. Of course, the young master liked her very much as well.

Therefore, Albert wanted Catelyn to stay a little longer.

Catelyn raised her lips and politely declined, saying, “My son will be out of school in a while.”


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