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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 108

Chapter 108

Maia got someone to bring her a bowl of pasta sprinkled with parmesan cheese. It looked



Maia was determined to be a good wife and mother in the eyes of Cedrick. “Little Ollie, let me feed you, okay?” she said to Miles, who was still masquerading as Ollie. “Alright. Thank you, Aunty Maia,” he replied to her with a smile, revealing two rows of neat white teeth. Little did she know of his devilish plans hidden behind his smile.

The overjoyed Maia took the bowl and sat at the boy’s bedside. Gently, she scooped some pasta and brought it to the corner of Miles’ mouth.

Suddenly, Miles got agitated and hit the spoon with a wave of his hand, in turn smearing the spoonful of pasta on Maia. Before she had a chance to react, Miles quickly covered his mouth. His big eyes flickered as he exclaimed, “It’s so hot! Do you want my mouth to be scalded?” Cedrick was standing aside the whole time, the atmosphere suddenly became tense. Maia apologized repeatedly and wiped the corner of Miles’ mouth with a wet towel. “I’m sorry, I didn’t do it on purpose. I’ll make sure the food is cooled before I feed you in the next round, alright? Does it still hurt?” Miles stuck out his tongue while continuously fanning himself. “Does it hurt’? You’ll know if you get scalded yourself,” he said.

“I didn’t mean it, honest…” Maia smiled awkwardly, but her eyes flashed with impatience. She hated dealing with little brats like him, yet she had to do her best to please him!

Maia scooped another spoonful of pasta and placed it in front of her lips. She then gently blew on it to cool the temperature.

Miles leaned closed and pointed at the spoon with disgust. “No, your saliva is all over my meal. I don’t want to eat it,” he scoffed. “No, I didn’t. I’m just blowing it cold for you…” muttered Maia as she subconsciously covered her mouth.

It had only been half a month, and it seemed that she already had a lot of difficulties dealing with Ollie.

He has been a lot more talkative lately, and at this moment, he was even taunting her publicly!


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