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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 113

Chapter 113 However, what Cedrick said next crushed Miles’ fantasy about having a gentle, loving father. “Ollie, who allowed you to climb so high up? Do you want to plummet from above and get badly injured?” The boy was utterly flabbergasted as Cedrick reprimanded him. Falling silent, the sudden admiration that Miles had for Cedrick vanished, and his eyes widened. “I was climbing up alright, but you popped into my vision halfway! That’s why I got shocked and fell.”

“So you think you’re right?” Cedrick was cold and stern. “I planned my moves clearly; you got me shocked, is all…” “Please stop talking back, Young Master Ollie,” Albert persuaded gently. “Did you forget about the time you lied about falling down from the ladder before? Master Cedrick was mad enough. It’s better for you to not make him angrier-you don’t want to get punished all at once.” Miles pouted. “I just wanted to hang the paper clovers folded by Aunty Catelyn on the tree!” “Looks like you still don’t know your error.” Cedrick looked even more stern, and said,” Albert, administer the punishment, please.”

His son was getting more and more presumptuous, Cedrick thought.

If Ollie would not be disciplined, he could have climbed up the roof and torn the house apart in no time!

‘Punishment?’ Miles did not know what that was, but he was certain that it was not something good.

He turned and tried to run away.

His legs were short, however, and one stride from Cedrick was enough to catch up with three of his. His wrist was pinned hard by Cedrick. “Let me go! Ouch! You’re hurting me, Big Demon!”

“I don’t want to stay here anymore. I wanna go to Big Kitty!” Miles, amid his panic, accidentally yelped his nickname for Catelyn. He had forgotten that he needed to address his mother as Aunty Catelyn in front of Cedrick and other people, as he had promised Ollie.


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