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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 155

Chapter 155 James winked at the hostess, and the hostess then pressed a button on the laptop upon receiving the signal. A video popped up on the screen. “Ngh… Ah!”

“No! H-Help!”

“Save me, Jamie! Save me!”

James was befuddled to hear such noises. The video that he prepared was about the developments in the city in the past years, so why was there a woman’s voice in the background? He turned to look at the screen and was immediately shocked at the stupefying sight. On the screen was a big soft bed, on which were three filthy big men, as well as a woman screaming in pain. Moreover, the woman’s hair was messy and was all over her face, thus obscuring her face. They seemed to not realize that their obscene behavior was streamed publicly and acted even more scandalously.

The hostess was stunned, too, and quickly attempted to take control of the computer system. Alas, no matter which buttons she clicked, nothing happened, and the video continued to play.

Lola watched the stream, and every ounce of contempt she had was gone upon hearing Catelyn’s shrieks of terror.

“Goodness, gracious! Where did this clip come from? How could they play this on such an occasion?!”

“Don’t you think the hotel in the video looked like the one we’re in now?” “Does that mean the woman is here at the event?!” Lori sobered up slightly right at this moment. She looked up and studied the stream, and somehow, the woman seemed awfully familiar. Lola raised her eyebrows proudly. “I’ve brought you justice, Aunt Lori.” “Is that so?” Lori’s expression eased at this and added, “You’re suggesting that the woman in this video…”


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