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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 16

“Actually, I…” Ollie hesitantly attempted to explain.

“Miles, where did you get those clothes you are wearing?” Catelyn asked abruptly, interjecting him.

Ollie’s eyes widened, and he felt his heart drop to his stomach when he realized she was suspecting the clothes he was wearing.

Catelyn circled to the boy’s back and flipped his collar outward, only to find the Banpoint label. It was a french children-wear luxury brand that emphasized on both modesty and glamor.

Ollie cursed inwardly when Catelyn slowly bent down and asked, “Did Jamie Mason buy this for you?”

“Jamie Mason?” He thought, ‘That’s probably the man I saw Catelyn arguing with.’

“Yeah, that’s him,” he said.

“That’s weird. He was just scolding you earlier, so why would he buy you clothes now?” Catelyn was confused as to how it could happen within the short period she went to retrieve the model.

Ollie’s eyes darted away. “I…don’t know what he’s thinking as well.”

“Whatever. At least he’s willing to fulfill some responsibility as a father.” Catelyn scanned him from head to toe and decided not to be bothered by it after confirming he was her son. “Anything else happened while I was gone?”

Ollie opened his pick lips slightly and said, “Nothing, but I’m a bit hungry.”

“Grandma should have dinner ready by now. Let’s go home, or we’re going to miss the bus.” She lifted him with one arm and hurried over to the nearest bus station.

The sudden proximity and the feeling of his feet leaving the ground had Ollie frowning, but soon, he relaxed at the warmth that he had never felt before.

Could this be what a mother’s embrace felt like?

Catelyn smelt like gardenia, just like Maia, but Catelyn’s scent was better and more natural, so he preferred her.

The boy, who was usually very composed, started blushing.

“Aren’t you going to hug me back?” Catelyn teased.

Ollie hesitated. “Can I?”

He had been taught the manners of a gentleman, and he often acted appropriately. On top of that, he was cold by nature and rarely approached others.

“Why not? Don’t you usually hug me back?” Catelyn said, wondering if her son was too hungry to the point he was acting weird like a quiet, wary boy.

Ollie collected himself and reached out both of his arms before carefully wrapping them around Catelyn’s neck. His heart was overwhelmed by emotions as he had never imagined he would have a taste of motherly love from a woman he did not know.

His lips curled into a content smile as he muttered, “Mommy…”


“Nothing, I just suddenly feel like calling you.” Ollie cocked his head to the side and leaned against Catelyn’s shoulder. As he tightened his arms around her neck, he suddenly felt extremely envious of that boy called Miles.

If only Miles would replace him and remain in Mason Estate forever…

Ollie shook his head at the thought. As Cedrick’s son, there were responsibilities that he was expected to bear. For the time being, however, he simply wanted to be the little baby in his mother’s arms.

It was stolen time.

The night fell as a car raced toward the majestic Mason Estate.


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