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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 163

Chapter 163 Meanwhile, Lori was at the hospital, tending to Queenie.

The moment Queenie woke up, she took a glance at the mirror and was mortified by her face. Ever since then, she was an emotional wreck and curled herself into a ball. She would shout at anyone that got near her, refusing to be in touch with people.

The doctor explained that Queenie was traumatized and that she must heal in peace for the time being.

Lori bawled her eyes out at this and prayed for mercy. To add to the mix, she found out that Louella sent Jamie to the hospital. When Lori was told that Jamie was kicked between his legs, she gnashed her teeth, wanting nothing more than to tear Catelyn apart with her bare hands.

Jamie walked out of the examination room, though his legs were visibly wobbly.

“Catelyn, that pig! It was terrible enough that Queenie got assaulted because of her, and now she hurt you, too! Jamie, we can’t let her get away with this!” Lori wept as she pulled Jamie by his sleeves. “You must take revenge!”

“Don’t worry, Mom. I’ll get Catelyn to kneel before Queenie and apologize for what she did!” vowed Jamie, ignited with rage. “Catelyn has the support of both Cedrick and Edwin now, Jamie, so don’t get caught in the crossfire,” reminded Lola caringly. In truth, she was happy with this turn of events.

Lori, however, was not. “We can’t let Queenie just suffer for nothing!” “I have an idea. This should make Catelyn suffer.” Jamie lowered his voice, asking, “What idea?”

“As far as I know, Catelyn’s son is her most cherished person. To have her wallow in regret, we must take away whatever’s most important to her.”

Lori frowned. “I don’t want the little brat.”


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