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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 169

Chapter 169 Catelyn stared blankly at the phone screen, and the light of the desk lamp reflected her eyebrows on the dark screen.

She knew very well that a design draft was of the utmost importance to its creator, so she had kept hers well-protected at all times, not to mention the draft for the competition in which she had completed the entire process at home.

There was no outsider in the house, so it could not have been stolen.

Could Stella have done it? Impossible.

It had to be someone else…

It was Queenie! She had intruded on her mobile phone that day, taking pictures around with it!

At that moment, Catelyn’s design draft was placed above the desk Queenie must have discovered it and then used her design on it, which caused the original to be slandered as


At night.

The headquarters of Chandier Jewelry was located in one of the most prosperous business districts in Sapphire City.

The female person in charge hung up the phone and respectfully looked at the woman sitting at the desk

“Catelyn has been disqualified from the competition according to your instructions, Miss Lola.


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