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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 171

Chapter 171 “The world is full of mysteries,” replied Miles as he rolled around the bed.

He looked forward to switching back their identities, when he could then reunite with his mother at long last.

Miles had missed her terribly. Ollie’s eyebrows knitted to a frown. “No matter how coincidently matters can get, there will never be two people who look the same.” “Although I’m very reluctant to acknowledge my old man, he is the nephew of Big Demon. They both look alike, and we’re their sons respectively. Looking at it this way, it’s not surprising that we both look alike as well,” said Miles. He paused a while and abruptly raised his eyebrows and said to Ollie with a hint of warning,” Don’t try to change the subject, or I won’t let you have Mommy again.” Ollie pouted. True, he did try to divert Miles’attention so he could continue to stay by Aunt Catelyn’s side.

Even so…

The questions he asked were also genuine.

“I did some research. There’s only one possibility on why we both look the exact same,” said Ollie.

Miles raised his small ears, and his jet-black pupils quivered. “And what’s that?” he asked. “Identical twins,” replied Ollie. “Stop mocking me,” grumbled Miles, not understanding what the word meant. Ollie had also asked the teacher to understand the meaning of the word.

Clearing his throat, he explained, “To be precise, it’s a pair of twins born from the same parents, from the same fertilized egg, receiving the exact same chromosomes and genetic material.”

Miles was listening, but he would not admit that he did not understand anything Ollie just said.


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