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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 178

Chapter 178

Janice took Maia’s hand and said, “Don’t worry, I will fight for you. Ceddy has been with you for four years, and I will not let him get away with this!”

“Sob, Aunt Janice…” Maia choked and cried even more miserably, her tears falling down her cheeks like broken beads. She finally could not bear it anymore and ran to the washroom.

Janice stared at Maia’s back as she left the table with her fist clenched. She then coughed heavily, her originally pale complexion became a little rosier, and there was a faint trace of worry in her expression.

Cedrick was a very decisive person. However, he was not very intuitive when it came to emotions.

Shortly after, Maia was looking in the mirror in the washroom with a smug face, unlike her sad and pathetic self just moments ago at the table with Janice.

She knew that Cedrick was particularly concerned about this Aunt Janice of his. Since he was a kid, he only listened to her, not even Grandpa Mason

As long as Janice strongly opposes their divorce, Catelyn shall not succeed in taking him away from her!


Maia’s phone suddenly buzzed and vibrated, and there was a new notification coming in

She casually ruffled her long hair and glanced at the screen of her phone. No surprise, it was another greeting from Richard.

“Mai, it’s been almost forever! When are you available? I want to see you.”

“I heard from your circle of friends that you wanted roses. I’ll order 999 red roses and have them delivered to your house tonight, okay?”


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