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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 184

Chapter 184

Catelyn looked around in a panic.

She glanced around and saw his shoes.

Those doubts that he was making fun of her were gone in an instant. After a long time, Catelyn foolishly squeezed out the words, “Are you really not kidding?”

“I’m serious.”

Cedrick admitted that he was a little impulsive in the room just now, but when he thought of being with her, it seemed that it was not as unacceptable as he thought it would be.

The feeling she gave him… She looked exactly like the woman four years ago. Thinking of this, a flash of gloom appeared in Cedrick’s deep eyes, but it disappeared in an instant.

Catelyn summoned up the courage to slowly raise her head and look into his eyes. Her heart beat fast. She carefully asked, “Then, does this mean that you want to be with me?”

Cedrick said calmly, “Yes.”

Catelyn scratched her thigh.

It hurt. This did not seem like a dream.

All of a sudden, what had happened these days flashed through her mind. In the room in the Barricade Club, Cedrick said that many women wanted to be his and asked her not to think about being with him. However, she asked him again and again now, but his answer was so firm and determined…

“Stop it. I know it’s not true. You don’t like me. You just said that because you used me as an excuse to break off the engagement.”

Catelyn played with her long hair and joked.

Unexpectedly, Cedrick admitted it.

“I won’t deny that this is one of the reasons.”

He would never let Maia become his future wife.

He did not want to tell anyone, but he could not ignore how Janice would feel about this.

The fastest way to make Janice agree to break off the engagement was to find another excuse.


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