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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 189

Chapter 189

“It’s two fifty-seven and twenty-four seconds now. It’s not your time yet.” Benjamin looked at Catelyn up and down and found that the shoes, along with the cheap suit she was wearing, cost no more than one thousand five hundred dollars in total.

Although Benjamin never rejected ordinary clients, he was profit-oriented and would not do more than he could and deserved.

“Go out and turn right. The elevator is on the third floor. There is another law firm over there. ” Benjamin said, then turned his head in the direction of the receptionist. “Sandra, transfer Ms. Clark’s details to that law firm instead.”

The receptionist knew it would be like this. “Okay, Mr. Anderson.”

Benjamin stretched his legs. Catelyn realized what had happened. She rushed to Benjamin and tried to stop him, “Wait, Mr. Anderson, I…”

“There is a reminder for placing an appointment online. If an emergency happened that caused the consulting not to continue, the appointment fee wouldn’t be returned.” Benjamin would never return the money that had already gone into his pockets.


Catelyn was speechless.

She just wanted to say that she did not need to be transferred to another law firm, and she wanted to ask if the next Mr. Mason was actually Jamie Mason!

When she searched for relevant information on the Internet, she saw a lot of negative reviews about Benjamin, such as him being shrewd, uncompassionate, and one-track-minded.

At that time, she thought it was all just slander from his business rivals, but now, Catelyn found it hilarious that the reviews all stood true.

Ding dong

As the elevator door opened slightly, the receptionist looked at the corridor outside the door and trotted to Benjamin’s side. She reminded him in a low voice, “Mr. Anderson, Mr. Mason is here.”


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