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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 198

Chapter 198 Catelyn reached out nervously and placed her palm against Cedrick’s chest before leaning backward. “Speak properly! Why are you leaning closer all of a sudden?”

“I’m concerned that you might not hear me.”

“What… What do you want to ask about?”

Cedrick decided not to tease her any longer and cut to the chase. “On the night your father was sentenced to death four years ago, were you in Four Seasons Hotel?”

Under the light, she stared at his straightened trousers and shiny black leather shoes as she was brought back to that night four years ago.

It was a nightmare that she would not wish to remember for the rest of her life, and the tips of her fingers trembled at the memories.

She looked up, her eyes reflecting his figure, as she curled her lips sarcastically. “I wish I wasn’t there.”

‘She was in Four Seasons Hotel after all. The screenshot from the surveillance wasn’t forged!’ Cedrick confirmed to himself. He stared into her eyes as a certain emotion built up within him, threatening to explode.


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