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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 226

Chapter 226 Catelyn subconsciously turned to look at Cedrick. He had spoken to his son about…making her his son’s stepmother?

Cedrick’s eyebrows pulsed frantically for a while. He watched as Catelyn’s expression looked too complex to comprehend. He did not explain anything but went straight to the living room.

There was a leather sofa in the living room, placed in an L shape.

Catelyn and Miles sat on the horizontal end of it, while Cedrick settled on the vertical end. He sat and crossed his legs elegantly and said to Miles, “Your grandmother missed you and has sent people to relay the message a few times. Pack your stuff; I’ll send you over in a bit.” Janice was Ollie’s grandaunt, to be exact, but she had no descendants. Ollie had always addressed her as ‘granny’. Miles, however, had no clue who Janice and this granny’ were.

He had never met Janice before, after all. “I will go after Aunt Catelyn leaves.” Miles looked toward Cedrick apprehensively. It was a baby beast’s instinct to protect its mother, and he did not like the way Big Demon looked at his mother like prey.

“I was merely informing you, not discussing it with you.”

Cedrick was cold and unapproachable as ever.

Catelyn finally had an opportunity to spend some time with Miles, and she was reluctant to let Miles leave, too. She subconsciously hugged Miles tighter and looked to Cedrick as if pleading with her eyes.” Can we wait a while more?”


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