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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 234

Chapter 234 What really happened four years ago? Why did Cedrick take her baby away? How would he respond if he knew that she was Ollie’s mother?

Knock knock

Someone knocked on the shower screen.

“Who’s there?” Catelyn yelled in reflex. “It’s me,” Cedrick’s deep deductive voice said. “One minute!” Catelyn wiped the bubbles off her and put on her new pajamas. She did not have her special drying hat, so she could only wipe her hair dry with the towel. Her half-wet wet hair then drooped over her shoulders.

Cedrick leaned against the wall lazily outside the door with one of his legs bent, and he was pinching a cigarette in his fingers. His other hand was playing with the lighter and was about to light his cigarette. He turned and looked when he heard the door open.

She stuck her head out of the shower screen, carefully checking.

Cedrick took one long look at her, then walked to the tea table and put out his cigarette in the ashtray.

He then went to the bar to fill up a glass of water. He gulped the glass of water and then filled the glass again. The gurgling sound of the water echoed throughout the room.

He placed the glass in front of Catelyn. “You should rehydrate.”

“Thank you.” Catelyn took the glass but did not take a sip.

She saw he was drinking from the very same glass.


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