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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 268

Chapter 268

Since both Lola and Jamie were on the same side, Catelyn did not need to please her.

However, Lola sweetened her expression and smiled at Catelyn. "I can make you the champion of the Chandier Jewelry Competition."

Catelyn was about to take a taxi home when she heard Lola's words.

She turned and looked at her with a slight smile on her face. "I’ve heard the winner of this competition is determined by Granny Atherton. How can you make me the champion?"

"The old lady is old and frail. Do you really think she can read all the manuscripts for the finals?" said Lola. "As long as I screen out the top selections, your design will be the best among all, and you'll be the winner."

Catelyn suddenly felt a little sick.

She knew that there would be shady tactics behind the scenes in this competition, but Lola did not seem to take the other contestants seriously, too.

"You have an agenda to have offered me this," Catelyn pointed out.

"Exactly. I like Master Cedrick, and I want you to invite him to a hotel forme."

Catelyn could not believe her ears.

Lola still had feelings for Cedrick!

"Don't you think too highly of me," said Catelyn. "Why should he listen to what I say?"

"Then it all depends on you." Lola’s tone was laced with malice as she added, "You can help me and be the champion. Otherwise, even if you managed to get into the finals by sheer luck, Granny Atherton won’t even look you in the eye!"

Catelyn sneered, and her expression darkened with disdain.

Since Lola wanted to get close to Cedrick so desperately, she would fulfill her request.

"I haven't reached the stage where I can just convince Cedrick to sleep with you, but I can tell you that he often goes to Riverdale Entertainment Club, where he has his year-round private room."

If Lola could cause Cedrick some trouble, perhaps Catelyn would have the chance to see her child.

Regardless, Catelyn felt that Cedrick would not even take Lola seriously.

Lola’s eyes brightened, yet her wariness remained. "Really?"

"I want to win the competition. Why would I lie to you?"

Since Catelyn has lost her job, it would be difficult for her to turn around her career if she did not win.

In this case, it seemed that Catelyn did not truly love Cedrick, that she would even do such things for the sake of winning the competition.

What a shame that he was so fond of her, too.

Back at Mason Group, at the CEO’s office on the top floor.

A few documents and information laid on Cedrick’s table, all of which were about Catelyn.

Catelyn clearly did not want to be with him before, but after just a few days, she suddenly changed her mind.

Cedrick was not a fool, and he could guess that something must have happened.


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