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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 275

Chapter 275 “Send her to the police station,” demanded Cedrick. “I’m accusing her of sexual harassment Lola froze upon hearing this, and even the head security guard gaped in shock.

Ever since the guard had been in charge of security at the Barricade Club for so many years, he has seen many female clients complaining about harassment issues from men. Never had he seen any men complaining about a woman who sexually harassed him, though.

“Understood,” said the head guard.

Two of his men came forward and pulled Lola up from the ground.

Knowing that her actions were irreversible, Lola burst into tears while she internally raged against Catelyn, wanting to drag that woman deeper into the waters. “Wake up, Master Cedrick! Catelyn doesn’t truly love you; she’s only using you as a stepping stone to climb up her career ladder!

“She also offered that if she handed you to me, I’ll then make her the winner of the Chandier Jewelry Competition. Your love means nothing to her!” Lola’s pleading voice eventually faded as the guards dragged her away.

Cedrick’s face darkened.

As soon as Catelyn left, Lola came to him.

Was it all a coincidence?

Edwin heard what happened to Cedrick, and he spat his wine in shock. “Pfft-hahaha! Ced, who knew that you’d be a better chick magnet than me?” Cedrick gave him a cold look in response.


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