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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 278

Chapter 278 “…” Cedrick could feel his temples pulsing as his fingers wrapped tightly around his cutleries. Ollie imitated Miles’ way of fawning to his mom and said gently to Cedrick, “Father, it’s generous of Aunt Catelyn to not mind your previous engagement with Aunt Maia at all. Don’t annoy her anymore. Go on and console her, alright? I’d like her to be my mother.”

Since Cedrick did not know the truth, it did not matter even if he called Catelyn his mother.

Cedrick lost his appetite completely.

It was always ‘Catelyn this’, ‘Catelyn that’. Ollie would never stop talking about her! Could he not give him a break?

He put his cutleries aside and shot Ollie a cold glare. “You want her to be your mother, but would she agree?”

Ollie knew she was his birth mother, except that Cedrick was not aware of it.

However, Ollie was well aware of how much Cedrick hated the term ‘legitimate mother’.

He pretended to be disappointed and hung his head low. He then gave Cedrick an encouraging look and said, “If you never give it a try, Aunt Catelyn will never agree to it, right?”

Cedrick tugged at his necktie. “Why are you giving me a life lecture now?”

“You’re almost thirty. I’m just afraid that you won’t settle down with a good wife, and I won’t have a mother.”

Finishing his sentence carefully, his little bum nudged across his chair as he quickly slid down and made a beeline to his room on the second floor, as though afraid Cedrick would be irked by his words,

Cedrick did not know how to respond.

Albert, who was watching this in the corner, was so touched that he almost teared up. His Young Master Ollie was so introverted when he was younger, but at this moment, he could already hold a conversation with his father about his marriage!

Kids should never be deprived of love, and Catelyn Clark’s presence greatly changed the father -son pair’s relationship.


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