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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 284

Chapter 284 Cedrick’s sharp gaze scanned everything around the apartment carefully, from the coffee table and cups to the laundry hanging by the balcony.

Everything looked normal.

Other than some feminine products, all he saw were children’s clothes and toys. There was no sign of another man living in this space.

If that was it, why did she refuse to let him visit?

He did not buy Catelyn’s excuse of the apartment being ‘too messy’. He remembered that the other day after coming back from the amusement park, he had already sent her to her doorstep, but she insisted that he took a detour to the hotel. She was avoiding him…or, perhaps, was instead hiding something from him. Catelyn was thinking about how to answer when all of a sudden, her phone buzzed. She slid her finger across the screen to answer the call. It was Joanne. She knew that Catelyn was busy, so she took Miles out for a walk. The bags and clothes on the couch were all brand new, mostly still with their tags on. They were all gifted by the sponsors, and she left them for Catelyn when she went to fetch Miles earlier. Catelyn was just so grateful for Joanne that she did not know how to thank her enough; be it for the clothes or for taking out Miles. “You have fun with Miles! I’ll pick him up in a few days,” said Catelyn into the phone, deliberately raising her voice to make sure Cedrick had heard her. Joanne, on the other end of the line, was confused.

‘In a few days’? There was only a wall between them, no?

However, Catelyn hung up before she could reply, shrugging. She then said to Cedrick, “Miles’ godmother had taken him out to play, so it looks like you can only meet him next time! You can leave your present here, and I’ll tell him that you bought it for him when he gets back.” “Someone took your kid out, but you didn’t know about it beforehand?” Cedrick frowned slightly. Something did not add up to him. He looked into the apartment again. The room was very clean and tidy, except that he noticed that there was not one photo of Miles at all.

There were, however, a few photos of Catelyn with Stella.

Catelyn did not want to continue this conversation with him anymore. As long as Miles was not home, she did not care what Cedrick was thinking.

“Miles’ godmother has the key to my apartment. I usually don’t interfere.”

Then, Catelyn took her groceries into the kitchen, not wanting to talk about Miles anymore.


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