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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 288

Chapter 288 While Cedrick was taking a shower, Miles took the opportunity to pull open the zipper of the luggage.

His tiny eyes first scanned the living room.

He saw that Catelyn was alone in the living room and let his guard down immediately. He climbed out of the suitcase.

Catelyn could not care much either. She knew that it was bad for his blood circulation that he had spent such a long time in such a small space. She massaged Miles’ tiny hands and feet.

Miles scrutinized his mother. Good, she was alright. “I’m hungry, Mommy.” He pointed at his small belly.

Catelyn immediately washed an apple and cut it into small pieces, then served it to him. “Here, have some apples.” “Feed me.” The boy became a little demanding at that point, his eyelashes fluttering as he did.

Catelyn, instead of getting mad, took one look at him and grabbed a fork, sending one apple slice to his mouth.

“Now you feel bad. Did you regret not staying at Joanne’s?” “No.” Miles enjoyed being served with the apple, but suddenly diverted the conversation.” Mommy, what secrets did you and Big Demon whisper about?” He was stuffed in the small suitcase, and his ears were buzzing. He could not make out what they were talking about, but he was certain that they exchanged secrets behind his back. Catelyn immediately blushed. “Quickly, finish your fruits,” she snapped, mustering a more strict approach. “Once you’re done, you should either hide back in the suitcase or go back to Godmother’s place.”

“Hmph.” Miles shook his head, scoffing indignantly.

He knew that Catelyn was lying to him. Something must have happened. Why else would she blush?

Water was still splashing in the shower. Catalyn allowed Miles to finish his fruits in the living room while she kept the dishes in the kitchen and packed the trash.


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