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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 313

Chapter 313 Kelly fetched a chair and a cushion for Granny Atherton to sit on. The old lady thus sat, her aura impeccable even when she did. Lola balled her small fists tightly as she aired her feelings to Granny Atherton. “Grandma, I admit that it’s my fault that I allowed the driver to run Catelyn over, but I’ve apologized for that already. Still, Miss Catelyn insisted that I had spiked her water with laxatives! I swear that I didn’t even know what bottle of water she took. How am I supposed to spike her?”

Granny Atherton gestured for Kelly to help Lola up from kneeling.

Pride swelled within Lola as she glanced at Catelyn. ‘I have nothing to be afraid of as long as I have Granny with me!

“Edwin is probably going to hate me for this, but I have to say it.

“Don’t be fooled by Catelyn, Edwin. She’s always been wild and uncultured since she was young, and the one thing she does best was seducing men by pretending to be weak. This supposed laxative incident probably is all made up, and she must’ve hated me to the point she could eat laxatives just so she could slander me.”

Cedrick looked up at Lola. His lips curled upward as he asked, “You’re saying that she ingested laxatives just for revenge?”

Lola felt diffident when her eyes met Cedrick’s.

However, she remembered that the employees that were in it had all been sent overseas. With this, she nodded in response. “If it’s not for revenge, it’s slander, because I didn’t do it!”

Cedrick was expressionless. He stared blankly at Lola as if he was looking at a circus clown.

He then turned toward Eason and gestured at him with his eyes. Eason understood what he meant immediately and took out a laptop, injecting a USB into the


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