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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 319

Chapter 319

Catelyn’s two sons, one innocent and lively while the other was silent and mature, were godsent.

Ollie just so happened to have homework in the afternoon, so Eason quickly picked him up and drove him back to Mason Estate. Catelyn did not want him to stay in the hospital too long, too, so she coaxed him to go home as well.

However, the two glasses of water that she drank earlier seemed to be indigestible at the moment.

The infusion bottle happened to be bottoming out, so Catelyn simply walked around the room to ease the digestion process in her body. Suddenly, she received a multimedia message from a mysterious person.

[I don’t want Cedrick to know the truth. Come to the private room V312 of the coffee shop on the top floor of Riverdale Mall at 7 a.m. I’ll be there.)

Two photos were attached to the text message. One of them was a surveillance screenshot of her accidentally entering the private room 520 of Four Seasons Hotel four years ago

The other one was a comparison of the recent photos of Miles and Ollie.

Judging from the picture, the two children looked like exact prints of each other. Anyone would just see them both as twin brothers.

Catelyn’s relaxed nerves grew taut at these messages. Trembling, she replied to the text. (Who are you? What do you know?]

The screen changed from bright to black, but it did not light up again. The mysterious individual did not reply anymore.

Obviously, this person knew a lot of inside information, even knowing that both Miles and Ollie were twin brothers.

Why did they send these messages to her? What did they want?

Catelyn could not figure out the possible identity of this mysterious person at all.


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