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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 352

Chapter 352 “Aunt Catelyn, you’re here!” Ollie slid down from the bench and hugged his mother lovingly.

Catelyn scooped up Ollie with one arm under his rear, and his tiny arms wound around her neck. He nuzzled into the nape of her neck like a kitten. “Sorry to have kept everyone waiting. We got lost in the theater.” She felt apologetic because it was a rare occasion for Janice to invite her out to watch a musical, yet she only arrived after the first act had ended. Janice was not bothered at all. Instead, she ordered a staff member to bring out a chair so she could sit. Catelyn sat between Janice and Cedrick, blocking Javier’s view of further observing Catelyn. Javier pursed his lips and looked away as he mumbled to himself, “That’s it? How is she prettier than Maia, enough for Cedrick to leave Maia for her?”

“Ceddy, since you don’t always get to come, what do you feel like watching?” asked Janice. Cedrick looked at Catelyn, and she, thinking he was asking for her opinion, shook her head.” I’m not too familiar with musicals. I’ll watch anything you guys pick.” “Let’s watch Rameo and Julia.” Cedrick’s eyes fell on the stage. A few willow trees were planted when they were renovating the theatre, thus the air was filled with a faint floral scent.

Everyone fell silent except for Javier, who could be heard cracking open pumpkin seeds with his teeth. He wanted to give the lollipop to Ollie, but the boy seemed to give him the cold shoulder while he rested peacefully in Catelyn’s arms, his eyes glued to the stage. Catelyn was also paying full attention to the musical while cuddling the adorable boy. The performers for Rameo and Julia were spectacular. They spoke and sang with such deep emotions that it provoked something within Catelyn, even though she was not familiar with musicals.

“However soft, what light through the yonder window breaks? It is the West, and Julia is the


“Come, bitter conduct-come hither, ye unsavory guide! My true chemist! Thy drugs are quick, and thus with a kiss, I sleep eternal.”

“What do we have here? A glass, closed in my true love’s palm? Poison, I see, hath been his demise. O churl! Drunk all, and left no friendly drop for me!


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