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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 369

Chapter 369

The doctor thus said to Catelyn, “Mister Mason had called to see you, not only to inspect the wound on your foot but also to see if there are any other injuries on your body. If you don’t mind, please take off your clothes, and I’ll give you a thorough checkup.”

Listening to the doctor’s words, Catelyn remembered that her back felt rather sore.

“Do you want to take off your clothes?” asked Ollie. “I’ll help you!”

Catelyn was wearing a simple nightdress, which was light and flirtatious. Just as Ollie reached out his hands, about to undo Catelyn’s belt, a tall figure suddenly appeared at the door.

“Ollie Mason.”

Ollie’s hands froze mid-air when he heard his father calling his name. He looked back and saw Cedrick walking in.

The man pursed his lips tightly. Without saying a word, he leaned forward and hoisted Ollie into his arms, and walked out.

“Really? What’s the use of calling a doctor, then?” Cedrick’s harsh words instantly disrupted Ollie’s thoughts. Cedrick carried him out of the room like a big plush toy in his arms, Ollie leaned on his shoulders and looked at Catelyn from a distance as they left the room. He could see Catelyn on the bed in the room, smiling and waving at him, motioning him to follow his father. Ollie fell quiet for a moment. Children could be sensitive, and he could feel that his father and Catelyn were unhappy again.

Cedrick closed the door as he left Catelyn’s bedroom.

“Why did Aunt Catelyn get hurt?” asked Ollie.


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