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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 382

Chapter 382 Cedrick was enraged too. He choked her by her neck and pinned her against the wall. “You love me? Your so-called love is to conspire against me with Nine, neglect the things I gave to you, and lie to me over and over again? I would rather not have your love!” He gave her chances, so many chances… She disappointed him over and over again. “Haha!” Catelyn decided not to struggle anymore and let him choke her. “You’re right. I was lying, throwing your important things away, and conspiring against you with Nine. Are you happy now?”

Cedrick’s veins were bulging on his forehead, and his face darkened.

“You are Nine’s associate…” His hand was gripping tighter onto her throat. Catelyn was in pain. Her head was forced to tilt upward. She looked at his enraged glare and somehow found it amusing. She had been nothing but truthful before, begging for him to believe them, but he never did.

She only lied this once, but he believed it all.

He firmly believed it. Her face was red, but she managed to force a cold smile. “You are right. Not only am I an associate to Nine, but Nine had strategically planted me beside you so that your son would eventually call me Mummy. I would then kidnap your son and ditch you! You got your answer now. Can you let me go now?” Cedrick was completely driven crazy by what she had just said. His palm mustered the strength and pushed her onto the table.



“You better be dreaming, Catelyn! You wished for me to let you go so that you could flee with Nine? I said it. This game would only be over when I say so!” Catelyn was pressed against the table, and her head was dizzy. She did not manage to regain much of her senses when Cedrick’s big body hovered over hers… His lips were pressing against hers and biting on them furiously.

It was so painful that Catelyn teared up. She tried to push him and punched him, attempting to stop him from whatever he wanted to do next, but it only enraged him even more.

He took off the strap from his bathrobe, tied her hands up, then forced her to lay on her back.


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