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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 388

Chapter 388

Maia glared at him. Earlier, she served him the pick-me-up and thought she could coax him into drinking it. However, he looked sober but was, in fact, very drunk right from the start.

The morning sun shone in.

‘Pretty girl, why are you crying?’ ‘Don’t worry…! The hysterical and presumptuous laugh rang in her ears again. Catelyn was lying on her bed, still trapped in the nightmare. “No!” She sprang up from her bed, gasping for air, panting. She also accidentally pulled on the wounds on her forehead and shoulders.

The pain woke her up, and she realized there was a tube in her veins. The wound on her forehead had been treated.

She was at a place that she was unfamiliar with.

Where is this?

“Miss Clark, you are finally awake,” a man with a deep voice said.

She looked in the direction of the voice. She saw David, with Winnie following behind him, walking toward her.

He was smiling lightly, and his gaze was gentle under his framed glasses.

Nevertheless, Catelyn was not pleased to see him at all.

“You are an associate to David!” Catelyn looked at Winnie, keeping her guard up.

Winnie was much calmer and composed after all this while. She was no longer hysterical like when she left Mason Group. Her arms were folded across her chest. Her tone was cold.


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