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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 394

Chapter 394

Maia scanned her surroundings swiftly and sneered when she noticed nothing suspicious around them. She thus paced toward ‘Ollie’. “You want to scare me off, huh? It’s not going to be that easy! I’m going to beat some sense into you—”. She came to a sudden halt when Miles took out a toy air gun from his pocket and began loading it with orange-colored bullets. Horror took over her features. “W…What are you doing, Ollie? L-Let’s talk! We can live together peacefully, and I promise that I’ll—” “Bam!” Miles shot at Maia’s heels.

She barely dodged the bullet and bumped into the handrail as a result, which sent numbing pain up her arm. “Wow, you look cool dodging the bullet!” Miles imitated the way cowboys on television would blow the smoke off the pipe and pouted. “Alas, you won’t be so lucky after this.

“Bam! Bam! Bam!”

He fired a few more shots. One for bullying Ollie, another for taking Cedrick away and hurting Catelyn in the process, and the last with wishes that she would remain with Cedrick forever so that they would never break another heart again.

A total of three shots landed precisely on Maia’s body, and even though it was an air gun, it still hurt a ton, especially with the thin layer of fabric Maia wore. “Agh!” As she attempted to dodge again, she twisted her ankle and fell down the stairs after finally losing her balance.

“What are you doing?” Just then, Cedrick arrived home, having spotted Maia falling off the stairs as soon as he stepped into the living room.

Although there were only three flights of stairs, she did not manage to reach out for Cedrick until after rolling off the ground.


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