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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Clearing his throat, Eason started a conversation in a light-hearted manner, “Miss Clark, what do you think of Master Cedrick’s figure?”

Catelyn’s cheeks felt burning hot in response to the question. “It’s…not bad,” she answered mindlessly without sparing a second thought to consider what Eason meant by the question, focusing on trying to recall everything she did the night before. She had always been the type of person that let go of all restraints once she was drunk. Back when she was still the lady of the Clark Family, another lady from a different family whom she had crossed before had set up a trap to get her drunk. In the end, she started singing hysterically while stripping.

The aftermath saw Ezekiel sending his servants to take her home, forbidding her from drinking again.

Catelyn truly felt like hiding away from everyone she knew at that very moment, “Just ‘not bad?” Eason said in disagreement, “That’s not right. Master Cedrick works out every week and has abs, v-lines, and the perfect triangle shape. He could run for ten kilometers without even panting at all!” Catelyn fell silent, wondering why Eason was even rambling about all this. “It’s okay if you aren’t satisfied with Master Cedrick, though, but please bear with him.” Catelyn felt as though her ears had been pierced by lightning at his words. She gaped and was completely rendered speechless at that very moment. “Wh-Are you being serious?” she asked gingerly.

Eason, instead, thought Catelyn was having doubts about Cedrick and nodded sincerely. “Of course! Master Cedrick carried you all the way to the hotel last night with ease, so you should know what I’m talking about, right?” “…” She took a deep breath and, out of curiosity, continued, “When…did Master Cedrick leave?

“Don’t blame him for being cold. There’s an important meeting in the office today and he can’t skip it,” Eason explained smilingly.

Catelyn chuckled awkwardly in response, all while her mind self-detonated.


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