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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 54

Chapter 54

“Catelyn didn’t ask anyone to beat me up; it was the man she’s cheating on me with who ambushed me,” said Jamie with a sunken face as he sat up on the bed, frustrated, and his face covered with injuries was scrunched.

That night, he left the clubhouse with two bodyguards. He originally wanted to take care of his head injury, but he was shoved into the bushes the moment he stepped onto the sidewalk.

Those men were fearless enough that they did not even bother covering up their faces. They literally went ham on him and beat him up, not forgetting to sneer at him before they left, reminding him to remember his place!

Who else could that be? It was Cedrick’s doing!

“No matter who it was, we should never let it go so easily!” said Queenie.

However, Jamie did not wish to pursue it any further. It was humiliating enough that he was punished by Cedrick, and he would never be as powerful as him. Jamie only said that because he wanted to save his dignity in front of his little sister.

“This is the end of it. Stop looking into this.”

“Why not?” huffed Queenie, overwhelmed with emotions. “You’re hurt, Jamie, and you have the right to sue Catelyn! Don’t tell me you sympathized with the kid.”

“What nonsense are you spewing?” Jamie growled, his leg that was hung mid-air shaking as if it would fall from the harness.

Their mother pulled Queenie back and stopped her from saying anything else.

Queenie gritted her teeth, swearing that she would not let Catelyn go unpunished.

“Achoo!” sneezed Catelyn just as she finished her lunch.

Anne was having a discussion with Catelyn about a design draft at that moment. She immediately raised the folder to block her face before retrieving a sheet of tissue paper from the desk and passing it to Catelyn.


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