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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 93

Chapter 93 Catelyn then scooped another spoonful of stew onto Cedrick’s plate. Seeing the way he responded, he must have liked this dish. Cedrick devoured the stew expressionlessly and said, “I had an important phone call that morning.”

“I get it-you’re a busy man. You don’t have to explain anything to me.

“Frankly, I still owe you the hospital bills.” Perhaps it was because there was a child in the same room, but Catelyn did not feel as awkward and chatted casually with Cedrick

Cedrick’s expression darkened and thought, ‘She ‘gets it? What exactly does she mean? I didn’t even leave the hospital that day; she was the one who ran off without saying a thing!

Catelyn sensed the shift in Cedrick’s emotion in silence and thought back to all the words she had said, but she could not think of a second where she crossed the line. In the end, she decided to avoid talking to Cedrick altogether and focused on ‘Ollie’ instead. “Ollie, my son is around the same age as you are. He has the same taste too, so you two might have a lot in common to talk about. Why don’t I bring him out next time so that you two can be friends?”

“No!” Miles and Cedrick responded in unison.

The two gave each other a look before Miles said sweetly, “I finally have the chance to hang out with you, Aunty Catelyn, so please don’t bring a third wheel with you.”

Miles did not want Ollie to come out and fight him for his mother’s attention.

Meanwhile, Cedrick was reminded of how rude Miles was the last time he saw him. His instinct told him that this child would influence Ollie, who was already in a rebellious phase, so it was best that the two children stay away from one another.


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