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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 58

He was sure that Crystal had Trevor on her side, so he mentioned what he wanted as soon as he saw Trevor.

He felt that if he could throw Emma off the team, he would be on Crystal’s good side. With the Bateson Group as their backup, the assistant director was confident that his team would be able to do anything in the industry the next time around.

However, he did not expect that Trevor would roar at him with a solemn expression, “Get the out!”

The assistant director was taken aback.

What happened? Did Crystal nol put in a good word for me in front of him?

“No, Mr. Bateson…” The assistant director wanted to continue his words, but Joseph quickly stopped him.

It was evident that Trevor was in a terrible mood. As they called Crystal earlier, they would talk about this when she came later.

On the other hand, Emma said sofily to Cerys, “I’m fine.”

Then, she looked at Adam, who was lectured by his manager again. She choked slightly on her words, “I just feel bad. I’m worried that I might drag him down with me.”

Emma did not expect that Adam would beat the assistant director up. She would not have wanted him to come over to help her if she had known.

Cerys quickly comforted her, “Mr. Bateson has asked his people to suppress this matter. It won’t affcct Adam. Don’t worry about it.”

To Cerys, she found it fortunate that her boss involved himself in this as Emma felt guilty, just like what they expected.

After hearing that, Emma was stunned for a moment before she mocked, “Mr. Bateson is indeed putting all his effort into protecting Crystal and helping her clean the mess she created.”

Cerys was speechless.

Didn‘t Mr. Bateson do all this to reduce Emma‘s guilt toward Adam?

Trevor strode toward them and heard that Emma assumed he did everything for Crystal. It irritated him so much that it made him mad.

However, Emma could not be blamed for thinking that way. Now, everyone thought of Trevor and Crystal as a pair, and Crystal’s image would directly impact the reputation of Trevor and Bateson Group. If this matter blew up, it would tarnish Adam’s name, but if Crystal was identified as the mastermind behind this incident, it would look bad for her too.

Emma could feel Trevor’s furious gaze, so she did not look at him deliberately.

She knew that Trevor hated her so much now. His fiancée would not have been involved if it was not for her.

Although Trevor did help Adam because he suppressed this matter, Emma knew that the person he wanted to protect was Crystal all along. Hence, Emma would not thank


Crystal arrived soon after. She wore an elegant dress; her long hair made her appear gentle and gorgeous.

She walked toward Trevor and held his arm gently, “Trevor, what happened?”


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