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Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies novel Chapter 503

Chapter 503

Yet he had lectured her for Sarah’s sake.

Sarah was no one but a homewrecker and he could not possibly think that what Sarah did was right.

Bianca also knew that Anne was not traveling on Anthony's helicopter for the first time, or she would not be able to return so soon.

’Damn you, Anne. You said you won't get involved with Anthony and you've lied to me to get fifty thousand out of me! Why isn't Sarah dead? She should have been dead!' Bianca thought.

She went home and Dorothy came down the stairs to welcome her. "Your dad is taking a nap, when did you come here at this time? Did someone cross you?"

"That Anne Vallois! Do you know how she got back to Santa Nila? She was traveling back and forth with Anthony's helicopter! Was she trying to show off how special their relationship was to me? Ahhh!!!" Bianca screamed hysterically and threw her purse onto the ground.

"Don't shout. Your dad is sleeping. Don't wake him up."

"He should come and see what kind of a person Anne is! She knows that Anthony is going to be her brother-in-law and she still shamelessly tries to seduce him." Bianca was driven mad by her rage. "Is she going to be Anthony's lover for the rest of her life and I am only ever going to be the wife he casts aside? How could he?"

Bianca sobbed.

Dorothy's heart ached for her daughter and kept stroking Bianca on the back. "Don't cry. I will find a way. I won't let Anne get what she wants.

Remember, it will never end well for homewreckers!"

"What can you do? Look at the guy you hired. He can't even do the simplest thing! Sarah should have been dead by now!" Bianca complained.

"How would I know why she isn't dead? I paid upfront, too. Those useless scums!" Dorothy felt upset that she had missed the perfect opportunity. Nigel heard them arguing and walked outside. He was shocked when he heard what the two had been saying, "What did you just say?"

Startled, both Dorothy and Bianca turned to look at Nigel nervously.

Nigel hurried downstairs and asked angrily, "You were the one who caused the accident?"

"I...I...” Dorothy shuttered anxiously.

"Dorothy, how can you be so vicious?!"

"Me, vicious? You and Sarah didn't give me any choice! Don't think that I don't know what you've been doing behind my back. My heart was shattered when I found out."

"The mistake has already been made and I'm making an amendment for it."

"And you are making an amendment by divorcing me?" She questioned in tears.

Nigel knew that nothing would have happened had Bianca not gotten involved, but he did not say a thing. Not wanting to argue with her any longer, he said, "Go to the police, or I will call them here."

Dorothy stumbled backward in disbelief.


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