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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 112

#Chapter 112 – Not Like This


Sophie freezes like a deer in headlights, her gold-flecked eyes going wide. “What do you mean?” I can feel her unease as if it is my own, and I can imagine what she’s thinking. Before Bastien turned up, there were a few occasions when I thought Selene might have picked up on my feelings for her. Every time was a trial. The anxiety was excruciating, a sudden vulnerability so overpowering it made my knees go weak.

Poor little mate, my wolf thinks fondly. She’s absolutely beside herself.

I almost feel guilty, for while Sophie frets, I’m filled with assurance. I don’t have to worry about my love being returned this time; I know how deeply she cares. I know we are fated.

I meant to give Sophie more time to recover from the turbulent events of last month. She clearly isn’t ready to reveal her feelings to me, but I’m starting to think giving her space is doing more harm than good.

In a matter of weeks Sophie has gone from someone controlling her entire life, to complete freedom. I didn’t want to do to her . what Bastien did to Selene, and trade her cage or iron for one of gold – taking care of her so completely she never learned to do it

for herself. However I’m starting to see the answer wasn’t leaving her entirely to her own devices, but finding some sort of middle ground.

“Sophie, I know everything in your life is uncertain right now,” I begin gently. “And this probably isn’t the right time to make any major life decisions – but I can’t take this any longer.”

“Can’t take what?” She murmurs, peeking up at me from beneath her lashes.

Sighing I answer, “Pretending like there are only platonic feelings between us.”

Some unknown emotion flickers in Sophie’s wary countenance. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She lies, crossing her slender arms protectively over her chest.

“Careful little lamb, I don’t appreciate being lied to.” I growl, pinning her with a disapproving gaze. “Especially over matters of such significance.”

My mate stares at the ground, shifting her weight from one small foot to the other and looking very guilty indeed.

“Is there anything you’d like to tell me?” 1 press.

To my surprise, a mutinous expression comes over her face,”you seem to have all the answers, Drake.” She mutters, “why do you even bother asking?”

“Come on, Soph.” I encourage, giving her tiny waist a squeeze. “Don’t be like that.”

“Like what!” She snaps, her plump bottom lip quivering.

“You could start by telling me why you’re so upset with me.” I suggest, letting her pull free of my grip and watching her start to pace across the stone floor.

For a few long moments that’s all she does, working herself up into a lather and shooting me adorable glares while she tries to decide what to do.

“What do you want me to say?” She finally bursts out, her skin flushed bright pink. “That I’m in love with you? That I have been since we were children and not being with you is tearing me to absolute pieces?” Sophie demands, throwing her arms up in exasperation. “Is that what you wanted? Was it everything you hoped, was it really worth destroying our friendship?!”

“Absolutely it is!” i bite back, and her eyes well with tears. Because we’ll be trading it in for something so much better!”

“What are you talking about?” Sophie cries.

“We’re meant to be together, Sophie.” I proclaim, catching her wrists before she can dance back out of my reach, and pulling her flush against me. “I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner, but I do now.”

Sophie shakes her head in disbelief, a rogue tear sliding down her cheek, “what, so you’re making fun of me now?”

#Chapter 112 – Not Like This


My brow knits together in confusion, how could she think such a thing. “Of course not!” I correct her fiercely. “Sophie I’m trying to tell you I’m in love with you too.”


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