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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 113

Chapter 113 – Making Up


(actually think this chapter should be 111, so that it happens before the Drake and Sophie scenes-if not, it can be presented as a memory)

“Much more of this, and I’m going to regret coming back at all!”

I can’t stop hearing Selene say those awful words over and over in my head. They circle round and round, tormenting me every time my mind drifts from my work.

We haven’t spoken since that phone call. When I got back to the apartment last night Selene was already asleep, and this morning she took Lila to the park before I was even awake. It’s clear she doesn’t want to talk to me, and if our situation were any less dire ! wouldn’t permit such avoidance, but the investigation is keeping me busy day and night.

Luckily the eclipse festival will force us into the same room tonight, and I won’t let us go to bed angry again. We’ll talk all this out and keep at it until things are resolved, we can’t go back to bottling up our feelings and I can’t fail Selene again. I won’t.

The only blessing we’ve had since returning is Selene’s good press, and even my own has improved greatly since those first tense days back. Still, nothing is simple. I’m putting out fires left and right, and the more dead ends I reach searching for our enemies, the more stressed I become.

I can only pray that nothing goes wrong at the festival tonight-whether in my marriage, or the pack.


“Careful sweetheart.” I caution Lila, “the oven is very hot.”

We’re in the kitchen baking cookies, and in all her excitement to see the gooey chocolate confections come out of the oven, my pup is hovering right behind me as I extract the tray.

“How soon we eat dem?” She asks hopefully.

*They have to cool first.” I remind her, “but it won’t be too long.”

“One mint?” She chirps.

“More like fifteen minutes,” I correct.

“Mommy dat’s forever!” She exclaims.

“Better forever than a burnt tongue, my love.” I laugh.

As I get started on the dishes, Lila sets up camp in front of the cooling rack, hungrily watching the cookies as if she’s worried one might jump off and roll away. In fact she’s so intent, I’m surprised to hear her small voice after only a few moments. “Mommy?”

“Hmm?” i hum in reply, already preparing to tell her ‘not yet’.

However, Lila does ask me if the cookies are cool yet. Instead she inquires, “Are you ‘n’ Daddy fighting?”

Shit. I think. “We’re not fighting, angel.” i qualify, “just disagreeing. Sometimes grown ups disagree with each other and it can sound or feel like fighting, but it’s not anything for you to worry about.”

“Well I don’ like it.” She announces.

Huffing a silent chuckle, I reply. “I don’t like it either.”

*Then why you do it?” Lila questions, sounding as if she thinks I’m very irrational.

“Because disagreeing is natural and even healthy. It’s how you learn new things and grow.” I explain, choosing my words very carefully. Besides it’s important to share what you’re feeling with the people you love, even when those feelings aren’t good. Otherwise, you can never fix it.”

#Chapter 113 – Making Up


The irony of my advice doesn’t escape me. I avoided Bastien last night and this morning, more out of guilt for lashing out at him than anything else.

“Why can’ you fix it?” My daughter presses. I’m beginning to think children this age aren’t capable of hearing anything without asking ‘why.’ “Because when we keep unhappy feelings locked up inside of us, then they stay there and get bigger and bigger.” I say slowly sensing my own unhappy feelings growing even as I speak. “You have to let them out. You just have to be very careful how you do it, how you express them.”

“Like when I tell Daddy I no like him?” She chirps.

“That’s right.” I confirm. Or when foolish mommies tell their mates they regret reconciling with them.

“So you ‘n’ Daddy make up?” My pup continues.

“Not yet, Lila bean.” I confess. “Sometimes you have to take a little bit of time or space to calm down or figure out what you’re feeling – so you don’t say things you don’t mean.” Or when you’re a big scaredy-cat who can’t face the bad things you already said. “Like when you’re very upset and I have you lie down in your room until you’re ready to talk.”

“So how long it take?” Lila wants to know.

“For me and Daddy?” I clarify.

“Yes.” She peeps.

“Hopefully not much longer.” I answer truthfully. I’m not sure why I’m feeling so moody, but I really don’t want to fight with Bastien. I just have to find the courage to face what I said, and hope my husband will forgive me.


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