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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 129

#Chapter 129 – Bastien Runs Into An Old Friend


Having Drake here is an absolute Goddess-send.

Not only is he precisely the kind of familiar and loving face I needed to help soothe Lila’s overwhelmed nerves, but he was with me throughout my first pregnancy and knows exactly how to make me feel better.

When I crave something sweet, the Eros Alpha knows what brand of cookies to buy. When I turn green and make a run for the bathroom, he knows to turn up the air conditioning and pour me a glass of ice water. When I start to cry over nothing, he knows which jokes to tell in order to make me laugh.

Still, as relieved as I am to have my friend close by, his sudden appearance makes me uneasy. “I don’t understand.” I admit once the initial excitement has died down, “when did Bastien call you?

Lila and I are seated on the edge of the bed in the guest suite, watching Drake and Sophie unpack. It’s sort of strange to see them together, but both look happier than I can ever remember seeing them. I grin every time Drake catches Sophie’s eye and a bright red flush works its way up her cheeks. In fact, they’re so preoccupied with each other, Drake almost misses my question.

“In truth he called me before he left.” The Alpha admits, “we were going to come in a couple of weeks, but then…” He trails off, glancing at Lila.

“Then he met his welcoming party and asked you to come sooner?” I surmise, censoring my words for the sake of my pup.

“You guessed it.” Drake agrees, pausing to ruffle Lila’s hair. “But that was fine by me, I wasn’t sure I’d survive another week without seeing my favorite little bean.”

“Uncle Rake, I’ve so much to show you!” My daughter replied eagerly. “We have to go to da forest, and Mommy’s new cafe and da museum.”

“We’ll go to all those places and more, munchkin.” He promises, pausing when he sees the exasperated look I shoot him. “Assuming your Mommy agrees its safe.”

“Why wouldn’ be safe?” Lila inquires, cocking her head to the side, “dis is Daddy’s city.”

“Yes angel, but Daddy’s not here right now.” I sigh, “So we have to be a little extra careful. That’s all.”

“I don’ understand.” Lila confesses, looking confused.

Sophie offers me a sympathetic look. “Well maybe you can help your Mommy teach me some recipes.” She suggests, “I have no idea what I’m doing at the cafe and I could use all the help you can give – assuming you have time.” She adds, speaking directly to me now.

“Of course!” I leap at the offer, it’s the perfect activity to keep Lila both entertained and safe in the house. “I’d be delighted to help you Sophie.” Just then a wave of nausea rolls through my belly, as if the baby heard me speaking and decided to remind me that these things are no longer up to me,

“Though I have to warn you that some dishes will have to be off limits.”

“I completely get it.” She assures me warmly, seeming more confident than I can ever remember seeing her before. “We’ll take it one at a time.*

I slip out of the room a little while later, taking Drake up on his offer to babysit Lila while I take a nap. However instead of going upstairs and climbing into bed likel so desperately want to, I make a B-line for Bastien’s office, where I know Aiden and Donovan are busy reviewing their plans for our security

I knock softly and walk inside without waiting for a signal to enter, embracing my own newfound confidence. The Betas are seated on the couches in the corner, a pile of papers littering the coffee table in front of them.

Selene,” Donovan says, rising to his feet, “Is everything.”

“How bad is it?” I interrupt, crossing my arms over my chest.

The men exchange a wary glance, “How bad is what?”

“The situation with Frederic.” I clarify, starting down the powerful wolves, “I know Bastien didn’t tell me everything. You two have been hovering over Lila and I like a pair of gargoyles and now Drake turns up out of the blue because Bastien didn’t seem to think your protection was enough.”

“That isn’t the reason.” Donovan sighs, “He just thought having a friend nearby would help take some of the weight off your shoulders.”



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