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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 130

#Chapter 130 – Odile Learns a Secret


“What do you mean, Frederic wants to claim me for himself?” I ask nervously. glancing back and forth between the two betas.

“The message he sent Bastien made it very clear, Selene.* Donovan sighs. “He plans on taking you for his mate, whether you agree or not.”

That doesn’t make any sense. I think uselessly.

Why not? Luna asks. You’re the Alpha’s mate, you have his child and the pack loves you both. Who better to convince them to accept Frederic as their new leader than you?

Ignoring my wolf, I press, “Why? Just to spite Bastien?”

The men exchange a look that sends my stomach lurching up into my throat. “That’s possible.” Aiden admits.

“But?” I prompt, knowing there has to be more to this.

“But we think-” Donovan begins, only to have Aiden cut him off.

“No, we promised Bastien.” The younger man argues.

“You promised.” Donovan corrects, “I think she has a right to know.” Pursing his lips and eyeing me with staid resolve, he continues. “We it’ s highly likely Frederic has been posing as someone you know.

He probably doesn’t just want you on principle… there’s a strong chance he’s truly interested in you.. romantically.”

“How is that possible?” I ask. “How could he be in the city without being recognized?”

“He was only a boy when his father was killed, and he hasn’t lived here since.” Aiden sighs, “Besides, he could be in disguise for all we know. It’s clear he’s very clever.”

“And I suppose Bastien intended to keep all this from me?” I demand, indignant anger rising up inside my chest. Suddenly I don’t feel nearly so bad about lying to my mate about Dr. Kane. The nerve of the man: forbidding me from keeping secrets, then turning around and keeping a thousand of his own.

“He wanted to protect you.” Donovan sighs. After what happened with the safe house-”

“You know I’m getting really tired of people trying to protect me by keeping me in the dark.” I snap, cutting him off before he can remind me how badly I wished I’d stayed in the dark about the spy cameras in Asphodel.

Pressing my palm to my belly. “And what about the baby? What about Lila? Did Frederic say anything about them?”

“As far as we know, he didn’t mention Lila, but she’s a girl, she wouldn’t be a threat to him anyway.” Aiden relates.

“And the baby?” I repeat stiffly. I can’t stand the way the betas are looking at me, their eyes full of pity, as if there’s no hope for us.

“As far as we know he doesn’t have any idea you’re breeding.” Donovan admits, “And we need to keep it that way as long as humanly possible.”


“Selene is breeding.” My mother announces, striding into the kitchen.

Turning to face her, I note the thick layer of makeup caking her bruised cheek. “Excuse me?”

She averts her gaze in submission. “it’s all over the city. The Alpha’s mate is carrying his second child – almost guaranteed to be a male heir, or so they say.”

Grinding my teeth in frustration, I hiss, “How can they possibly know that?

“She’s far enough along that her scent has changed.” Mom explains, “There’s no doubt.

She’s pregnant.”

“Idle gossip.” | growl. “Let me know when they see a damned sonogram.”

“I heard it from one of the alpha’s sentries.” My mother informs me coolly, “Trust me, he knows what’s going on inside the pack house better than you do.”

Anger sparks at her words, how dare she think a lowly guard could be more in tuned with pack happenings than I am? “What the hell were you doing talking to one of the sentries?” I snarl.

“I didn’t!”

She insisted, the scent of her fear spiking between us, “I was eavesdropping, he never knew I was there.”


“No Frederic.” She immediately quells. “I’m sorry.

This is veryvery bad. I think in agitation.

We‘ve got to find out how much she knows, –

I wait for her to exit the shop, slipping around the corner and watching the entrance until I hear the strident ring of the entrance bell. Arabella struts out of the boutique, sashaying down the street in the opposite direction. It only takes me a moment to circle around through one of the alleyways, and within seconds i’m standing at the mouth of a narrow side street, waiting for the traitorous she-wolf to walk into my trap.


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