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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 158


Chapter 158 – Selene Confronts Dr. Kane


Well this is interesting. I didn’t think Selene had it in her to stand up for herself, clearly the betas and Drake have been a worse influence on her than I realized. On the other hand, she is here, and that gives as an opportunity to help her see the error of her ways.

“What do you mean?” I ask, spreading my hands in front of me and inviting her to continue.

“Don’t give me that.” Selene snaps, “You just publicly challenged my husband.”

Goodness, she can be feisty when she wants to. My wolf growls.

Just another bad habit to train out of her. I think back. There were always bound to be a few.

And look, she looks much better, she must have figured out about the pills. My wolf points out, sounding even more irritated than before.

I too have to admit that’s a problem. I had been hoping she’d miscarry without the right drugs, but I didn’t want to trigger it directly because then she’d be released from the hospital and go home. Far better if she be admitted for a drawn out stay and lose the baby towards the end, by which point I’d have been her closest confidant. I still hadn’t given up hope for this plan when she left against my orders, after all I knew she’d be back soon enough without the right care. Unfortunately her watch dogs seem to have figured out that she wasn’t getting better for a reason.

“Yes, I’m sorry about that.” I sigh, trying my best to sound genuine. “This has all been so unfortunate.”

“You’re sorry?” Selene parrots fiercely, “You do realize your actions are hurting some very real people don’t you?”

“And what about the harm to the pack?” I argue back, pressing my hand to my heart. “I have to follow my conscience.” I insist. Reaching forward and clasping her by the arms, I ignore her protests and speak as poignantly as I can manage. “Selene, the pack is suffering.”

“And you think playing on their fear and pain is helping them?” She counters incredulously. “You think that exploiting their hardships to make them turn against the best leader we’ve had in a century is going to make things better?” Her tiny hands are pushing at my arms ineffectually, and I can’t help but admire how adorable she is for trying when she has no chance of success. “No Thomas, let’s be honest, you just want to cause chaos and destabilize the city so that you can swoop in like a hero and take power.”

Hmph, she’s smarter than I realized. My wolf notes, another problem.

Not if she can be won over to our side. I reason, brushing aside his cynical concerns.

Please, you’ve seen what happens when she-wolves get too many bright ideas. He reminds me, Arabella and your mother caused nothing but problems.

They weren’t Selene. I insist. You know as well as I do that she’s normally sweetness itself. You were the one who pushed me to save her from the fire, remember, you couldn’t bear to see such an innocent life taken when she’s already suffered so much.

That was before. He grumbles.

She’s only doing this now because she’s frightened. I state firmly.

Cornered animals are always the most dangerous. He agrees, the question is whether you can ever convince her to trust you. As long as she sees you as an enemy, she’ll never feel safe and we’ll be stuck with this defiance.

I know my wolf is right. I have to make her realize I want what’s best for her – that I, not Bastien, am the one she truly deserves to be with. Staring deep into her eyes, I drop my voice an octave and brush my thumbs back and forth across her bare skin, pleased to see a shiver of desire run down her spine. “That’s not the only reason and you know it,” I declare. “I can’t stand what he’s doing to you.”

“What he’s doing to me?” Selene repeats, her lovely, full lips agape. “I’ll have you know he’s doing all this for me.” She hisses, trying to hide her obvious interest in me by going completely still. “And regardless, I’m not your concern.”



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