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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 159


Chapter 159- Training with Helene.


There haven’t been many times in my life that I’ve felt like a genius, but I certainly do now. After my success with the reporters outside, was prepared to take on Dr. Kane, but I never expected to catch him out like this. As alarming and disturbing as his behavior has been throughout our conversation, I’m on the verge of making him admit he was working with Arabella, and that’s only a few steps short of making him admit he’s not Dr. Kane at all, but Frederic.

This man I once trusted, is looking at me as if he’s never seen me before. I’m afraid he’ll try to touch me again or profess his love, but I’m also afraid he might attack. It honestly seems like it could go either way. “I learned what Arabella was planning.” He admits hoarsely, seemingly unable to think of a lie in the moment.

“Because you were working with her.” I suggest. “Because you were helping her drive me away from Bastien.” Suddenly another detail clicks into place, “That’s why she was in the hospital the night she tried to push ‘me down the stairs isn’t it? She was coming to meet you and you made sure she overheard I was pregnant.”

“No.” He immediately denies, “she was never supposed to overhear that.”

“But she was there to meet you.” I press, feeling more powerful than I can remember being in quite some time. Moments ago this man was controlling the room, and now he’s pale and sputtering nervously because of me – and I didn’t even have to use my powers.

“Yes.” He breathes in resignation. “We were working together. But Selene, you have to understand, it started out about Bastien, but when I met you, I realized we were meant to be together.”

“The Goddess would disagree.” I reply simply. “And so do I.” I’ve been walking a fine line this entire time, needing him to confess to being Frederic Durand, but knowing if I come out and ask or accuse him outright, he’ll deny it. “I don’t understand why you were working with her in the first place. If it was before you met me, what did you have against Bastien, has it always been about the power?”

“That’s it?” He asks, clearly offended. “I tell you I saved your life, and your pups life, and all you care about is why I worked against your husband?”

“Our lives never would have been in danger in the first place if it hadn’t been for your and Arabella’s schemes.” I remind him. “Do you expect me to thank you for that?”

He shakes his head, looking truly disappointed now, “You’re not who I thought you were.”

“That’s the difference between a fantasy and a real person, Thomas.” i’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel discouraged not to extract a full confession from him, but I also don’t want to show him all my cards just yet. “I’m not the dream woman you imagined, and Bastien isn’t the villain you’ve made him out to be either.” Turning towards the door, I leave him with one final thought, “The truth is a lot more complicated than you’re making it out to be, I’m here, if you want to talk further. I’d much rather you and I speak this way, than play games in the media.”

He looks truly torn, as if he wants to believe me and strike me at the same time. I’m not sure which feeling will win out, and I don’t want to risk the latter, so I duck out before he can respond.

When I get home I’m excited to share what happened with the others, but I don’t get the chance. As soon as I walk inside, my pup’s voice and the sound of the tv news greets me, and I have a sneaky suspicion I know what the anchors are covering.

“Mommy you’re famous!” Lila cries, flying across the room and into my arms.

Kissing her hello and moving deeping into the apartment, I see my own image on the television screen and wince, I always hate seeing myself in photos and videos. Even so, the scrolling text at the bottom of the screen is nothing short of a glowing compliment, even going so

far as to encourage viewers to keep an eye out for investigations into Dr. Kane.

Odette is as complimentary as my daughter, hugging me and sharing, “I’m impressed, they almost never show full interviews like this. It’s always edited down to a few clips. You did so well, Selene.”

“I don’t know where it came from, the words just sort of spilled out of me.” I shrug, blushing.

“And you looked fabulous.” Sophie adds from the couch, in the rain and all!”

Turning to look at the other figures in the room, I realize the womens’ opinions are not shared. Drake, Aiden, and Donovan are glaring at me with identical expressions of disapproval. Unfortunately for them, there’s only one wolf that can make me quake in my boots these days, and he’s very far away.

“Ah-ah.” Aiden scolds, clearly reading my mind. “We might not scare you Selene, but we’re making a list for Bastien when he gets home.”


As much as the threat makes my insides go to pure mush, just hearing that they still believe Bastien will come home comforts me. I’m not even bothered that he’ll be furious when he learns everything I’ve been up to in his absence, as long as he’s furious with me, I don’t care.



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