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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 178


When I wake up, still sprawled on the hotel room floor with a terrible ache in my head, I don’t pause to search for Selene or Arabella. I know they aren’t there any longer, and I know Arabella will be coming back for me once she’s done with Selene.

I sense all of this in the same way I sense that my young pupil is not in any immediate danger. There is no explana tion for how the knowledge arrives in my head, and I’ve long since given up trying to understand the magic. Wast ing even one moment wondering how I can tell that Selene is captive but unharmed, is one more moment I could be looking for her.

I have my suspicions about the she-wolf’s plans for my student, and one thing is clear: though Selene might be al right now, she won’t be for long. Gathering my few belong ings, I leave the hotel as fast as I can, instead driving to the apartment where Selene and I traced her mate.

I don’t have a shifter’s heightened senses, but I was watching when Selene ran down the fire escape earlier to day, and I easily remember she came from the top floor of the building. I can feel the presence of a single sleeping wolf inside, but I don’t want to enter and risk letting Arabel la come home and catch my scent. Reaching out the ten

drils of my power, I close my eyes and concentrate, sending out a magical summons powerful enough to rouse even the deepest of sleeps

As soon as the spell is complete, I enter the cafe across the street from the apartment building, and wait. It’s only a few minutes before Selene’s mate appears, looking deeply confused. I draw him to my table without a word, then stand to greet him. “Hello Bastien.” I say warmly.

“I’m sorry,” He frowns, shaking my hand, “but do I know you?”

“Weve met once.” | inform him gently, “but I’m guess ing you wouldn’t be able to remember even if I reminded you of the occasion.”

The huge man rubs the back of his head, “Yes.” He slowly agrees, “I’ve been having trouble with my memory lately.”

“That can happen, when you’re being fed memory po tion every day.” | remark, having come to this conclusion only after hearing Selene recount their interaction earlier today.

“What are you talking about?” Bastien inquires, sound ing suspicious but open to my explanation. That fool Ara bella has clearly been overdoing it. He knows something is

Litla him but she’s keeping him in too much of a toa

for him to figure out the truth.

“You cannot trust the woman you are living with.” | an nounce simply. “She is making you forget all the details of your life so she can trick you into marrying her.”

“What?” Bastien objects, furrowing his brow, “I” ve known Arabella since she was a pup – she wouldn’t”

“If you’ve known her since she was a pup then you know she’s a spoiled, selfish brat with a mean streak a mile wide.” I interrupt. “And you know she’s not acting like her self right now, and she’s been working very hard to keep you in Tartarus when you know you need to return home.”

He stares at me in shock, “Who are you?”

“I’m a friend.” I explain, “And I want to help you.” Fold – ing my arms on the table in front of me, I continue, “Let me ask you this, young man. Does Arabella prepare your drinks for you? Does she make you coffee in the morning or cock tails in the afternoon? Do you watch her do it?”

“Yes.” He confirms, the gears whirring rapidly in his mind, “and no.”

“Alright.” | nod, “you need to start. I’m going to give you something that should serve as an antidote to any potion she’s using to keep you forgetful, but there’s a chance she’s

using something rarer than I’m prepared to counter.” | place a small vial on the table between us, filled with a draught I had the lucky foresight to concost while Selene and I waited for her mate to arrive. “Take a few drops of this every day, but also try to avoid drinking or eating anything you don’t prepare for yourself.”

“Anything, like this concoction?” He remarks, lifting the vial hesitantly.

“Here.” | take the solution back from the Alpha, and pour a couple of drops into my own mouth to show it won’t harm him.” There’s no risk to you if I’m wrong – either you’ll regain your memory or things will continue as they are.” || promise.

“I still don’t understand.” Bastien admits, looking very conflicted.

As confusing as it all is, so far nothing explains why Arabella is trying to tamper with my memory. Everything! remember happens the way she said it did – even if my memories make me feel it’s impossible Selene could be the monster Arabella names her. The woman in my memories is so sweet, so genuine and lovable. The mere thought of her


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