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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 179


“You bitch.” | growl, glaring at Arabella. Without my full memory, I can’t begin to fathom why she is doing this, but it’s clear now Arabella is not my friend. The only reason she’ seven still standing is because she has my mate, and I don’ t have the first idea how to find her in this strange city.

“Ouch, Bastien!” She pretends to pout, “You’ll hurt my feelings with talk like that.”

“Where is she?” | demand, “why are you doing this?” Axel is seething in my chest, begging me to let him out so he can put an end to this woman. It all feels impossibly strange. A few days ago I still saw Bella as Flynn’s under standably flawed little sister, now years worth of memories have reappeared in my mind all at once, and I’m seeing her more and more as an unforgivable villain.

“You know I don’t remember much about my mother,” she tells me, “but I’ve always remembered her telling me that some men needed a little bit of extra encouragement to get down the aisle. I guess what they say is right – Mom my does know best.”

“Why go through all this, just to marry me?” I demand, She tilts her head back and laughs, a light, tinkling sound. “You know this never gets old. I thought having the same conversation over and over would get really tiring, but I never cease to enjoy the way your poor memory al ways leads you to the same ridiculous conclusion.” Arabella sneers, “I suppose after a lifetime of being told you were sooo superior I’ll take any opportunity to disprove it.”

“What are you talking about?” I hiss.

“I don’t want to marry you, for you Bastien.” She an nounces sharply, “I want to marry you for your power: Nothing more.”

“And you think this will make me agree?” | demand, brandishing the phone. “Why should I play into your hands when I could just kill you now?”

“Because if you kill me, you’ll never find her.” Arabella grins, “I’m the only one who knows where she is. If I don’t go by to feed her and give her water, she and your unborn pup will die.”

“… she’s breeding?” | gape, feeling both horrified and thrilled.

“You know she’s been a lot more forgiving than I would be in her shoes.” Arabella ponders aloud. “I mean, if my mate forgot me and my pups so easily, I’d never want to go near him again.”

“That isn’t fair.” I snarl, “It’s not as if it was my choice.” Even as we stand here talking, more of my memories re turn, including Selene sharing what really happened the night she left Elysium. Unbridled fury washes over me, and it takes all my strength to keep my temper in check as Ara bella carries out her game.

“Well this is certainly going to be your choice, pretty boy.” She taunts. “You can walk down that aisle with me, or you can say goodbye to your foul little family.”

“And after?” | hiss. “What then? You think we’ll just go back to Elysium like nothing has changed, like you aren’t a fucking monster?”

“If I’ve learned anything on this little journey of mine,” Arabella begins, taking her phone back and stuffing it into her pocket, “It’s to be flexible and adapt your plans as the situation develops. I’m not sure what we’ll do when we go back – but whatever it is, we’ll do it as husband and wife.”

“Where is Selene?” | ask fiercely, “I have other ways of getting the information out of you – don’t forget.” | threat en.

“You do.” Arabella agrees, “but how do you know when the last time it is I paid your little mate a visit? What if she’s dehydrating to death right now? Can you really afford to tie me up and torture me when her life hangs in the balance?” She scoffs. “I’ve heard that breeding mathare noad aum

more sustenance that normal women – and poor selene with her severe nausea.” She pouts and shakes her head.

“You’re lying!” | accuse, feeling completely beyond my depth for what might be the first time in my life.

“Am I?” Arabella challenges, “How can you be sure?”

I’ve never wanted to wring someone’s neck more than 1 do in this moment, but I also know the alternative to giving in to Arabella is losing my mate. I want to believe that I could track Selene even if I killed Arabella now, but I’m in a strange city without half of my memory, and there’s no telling whether or not I could actually succeed.

“And how do I know you won’t just kill her once you get what you want?” I press, struggling to contain my wolf.

“You don’t,” Arabella shrugs, “but there’s no doubt she’ll die if you don’t agree.”

“Fine.” I agree, deciding to play it safe for the time be ing. “I’ll marry you – but don’t expect anything more from me.”

“I wouldn’t want it even if you were offering.” Arabella informs me coolly. “But I’m so pleased you’re finally seeing reason.” Arching her brow and adopting a mocking tone, she adds, “Get ready honey, the big day is already here!”

Honestly, it’s actually ceasing to be frightening and is just getting old. It’s also getting embarrassing – I mean re ally, what kind of grown woman gets kidnapped more than once and still doesn’t learn her lesson? My only hope is that Helene was unharmed by Arabella’s blow, and was able to recover quickly enough to escape. My own magic isn’t do ing much to help me. Arabella seems to have had the fore sight to chain me with silver, which apparently dampens my power enough to keep me captive.

I’ve tried everything my exhausted mind can imagine – conjuring shadows, summoning moonlight, even hypnotiz ing the man holding me captive – yet nothing is working. The silver is too strong, and I feel more helpless than I have in a very long time.


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