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Pregnant With Twins: My CEO’s Tricky Love novel Chapter 671

Ever since Jason and Miranda confirmed their marriage, this guy seems to have become a twenty-four good husband, spending most of his time with Miranda.

In the weekdays, because Georgia and Robert were busy and a few things happened in between, so they didn't see Jason.

However, in facebook, Jason would show off the new dishes he had learned every day, because after Miranda's pregnancy, her appetite had not been very good, and it was reasonable for rich people like Jason's family to hire all kinds of good chefs to cook, but Jason not only hired chefs of various cuisines.

He also learned to cook under these chefs’ guard and managed to turn himself into an apprentice cook.

From before New Year to now, Jason would show a few dishes he learned, counting up, Jason should probably have learned hundreds of dishes.

It looks like Jason and Miranda are in love, and everyone doesn't bother the sweet couple's time anymore, and now that it's time for the wedding, Robert looks happy.

In fact, he had gone out to drink alone with the three brothers last night, and originally Ivan would have come back, but he was still accompanying Emilia on that island, so he couldn't take time out for the time being.

Ivan said that Emilia's condition had become more and more stable, and it shouldn't be long before she completely recovered.

Robert came back late last night and fell asleep straight away when he came back, and this morning he was busy going out, getting dressed and washing the children, so Georgia never got around to asking her own questions.

After letting the children listen to the music and play the game, she asked softly to Robert.

"What the hell is going on with Jasper? Is he still not going to see Selena?"

Yesterday she heard that Jasper returned home and Selena took the child back to the Holland family, of course, Elliot and Bailey came and picked them up. Selena is very eager to see her brother, so Selena has taken the child back to the Holland family yesterday.

But this morning, Selena gave Georgia a call, and she told her that Jasper didn't go home, reasoning that he was drunk and simply slept inside the hotel.

Selena was sensitive, she always felt that her brother was still minding her existence and didn't want to see her, so she asked Georgia to ask Robert if they had talked about this matter when they were drinking yesterday. Selena was curious to know what her brother was thinking.

"As you know, yesterday was Jason's last night before he was single, everyone was excited to drink, and you didn't remind me to ask this matter to Jasper yesterday, so I didn't ask. He acted very normal, I couldn't see that he was in a bad mood, and after many years Jasper and I have known each other, even if he minded, he would never to hate the sister he's loved for so many years."

It seems that Robert just doesn't know, in fact, Georgia understands. She has known Jasper for long, and she doesn’t feel he will not hate Selena, it's just one more sister.

"But Jasper stayed at the hotel last night and deliberately didn't go home, his excuse was that he was drunk, but Selena thought it was because Jasper didn't want to see her."

"How is this possible? Today Jasper and Selena will both attend Jason's wedding, we'll know later when we see what happens. Don't worry, I'll ask him, I've been his brother for so many years, I'll force him to say it even if he doesn't."

The two people were talking and finally, they arrived at the church. The wedding was held there inside the most beautiful church, besides the church was especially beautiful, there were many, many beautiful flowers around the church.


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