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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 115

What Logan said made Elena confused. But since he wouldn’t tell her, she decided not to ask, either. Soon she forgot about it.

On this day, they were going to visit Grandpa George and have a gathering in the Brown’s villa. When Elena arrived with Logan, she thought that Grandpa George was the only reason why she would step into this house again.

After they got off, Grandpa George welcomed them warmly with Pigeon. He smiled happily and said, “Finally you two are here. I have been waiting for so long that I start to doze off!”

Elena walked to Grandpa George, “I told you to wait for us inside, right? It’s getting cold. What are you doing here?”

“Because I miss you two so much!” Grandpa George laughed and then took them into the house.

In the living room, Yolanda was eating snacks. As she saw Logan and Elena, she greeted in a low voice, “Hi, Logan. Hi, Elena.”

Grandpa George looked at her and showed his unpleasantness, “Logan offered you a chance to work in his company and you quit within less than 15 days. He had to find someone else to fix you mess.”

Yolanda was a little embarrassed and didn’t say anything. But Jacqueline quickly tried to defend her daughter, “It’s so easy to hire a person to work in the warehouse. But you know Yolanda, right? We are family. Yet Logan sent her to work in the warehouse. I’m wondering if Logan was trying to torture his younger sister!”

“She came to work not for fun!” Grandpa George was getting more furious.

Cornel sensed the tense atmosphere and smiled, “Alright, Logan is here and he doesn’t say anything yet. Why are you guys keeping talking about the old story?”

“Grandpa, forget it. I’ve never expected much of her.” Logan parted his lips and said.

Hearing this, Jacqueline was immediately unhappy. But she had to put on a smile, “Right, you are right. Yolanda has been so naughty all the time.”

Yolanda looked at her mother in a disgruntled way. It was enough for her to be scolded by Logan, but why would her mother blame her, too?

At this moment, the door bell rang. Jacqueline quickly smiled and said, “It must be the Lees! I’ll open the door for them.” She was being so enthusiastic as if she was more excited to see the Lees than Logan and Elena. Or maybe she was.

Elena and Logan looked at each other, feeling confused. Apparently, they didn’t expect it. Why would the Lees come here today?

Soon, Jacqueline held Anna’s hand and walked into the house. “Anna, my babe, you finally arrived. I have been waiting for you for the whole morning.”

Anna smiled sweetly, “We are late because of my mommy. She took so much time to prepare herself. She also made great efforts to pick the bests gift for you. She had changed her mind so many times that she didn’t even notice that it was late.”

Hearing this, Mrs. Lee explained, “Well, you know. Anna said she hadn’t visited Grandpa for a long time and wanted to show her best look today. That was why we were late.”

“Mommy!” Anna blushed.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee stopped laughing and joking after a while and then they came to Logan with guilt written on their faces.

Mrs. Lee looked at Elena from head to toe and then said, “You must be Logan’s wife, right? You are nice and pretty. I like you already.”


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