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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 116

"Yolanda, don’t be childish to ask for a present. Go and help in the kitchen," Cornel tried to get her out of here.

Yolanda knew it was for her good, "Okay, I will go now and don’t speak ill of me!"

"Look at her..." Jacqueline smiled at her back and said cheerfully, "Please sit down. Yolanda’s just a child. Never mind her."

Jacob brought the gifts in, and had someone install the equipment. Seeing this, Grandpa George felt happy.

The Brown Family and the Lee Family were old friends for generations. Grandpa George and Mr. Lee had a lot to share. They had been chatting and laughing all the time. While Cornel sat besides them and didn’t know how to blend in.

Logan held Elena’s hand and said, "Let’s go for a walk in the backyard."

"Very well," Elena was relieved. She told Grandpa George before they got out.

Seeing they were leaving, Anna caught up with them and stopped Logan. She took a deep breath and smiled, "Logan, let’s have a talk. There is something you have to know!"

She looked into his eyes and tried to plead before him.

Elena stood behind Logan quietly and didn’t speak. Obviously, Anna did not care about her.

Logan frowned and said quietly, "I’m not interested."

"Logan!" Anna would not let them pass, "I really didn’t mean to leave you back then. If possible, I wish I could always be with you. I ..."

"Anna!" He interrupted her unhappily. His cold eyes were met by her sad ones.

Logan said coldly, "I’ve told you there has never been a story between you and me. Whether you left or not, it was none of my business. I’ve never felt sorry for anything."

"That’s not true. Logan, please listen to me ..." She said anxiously.

Logan glanced at her, "Whatever you want to say has nothing to do with me. I only want to stay with Elena and please leave us alone!"

Anna looked at him in disappointment. She staggered back, "Why won’t you even listen to me now? I had my difficulties."

What was the point in speaking of those now?

Elena shook her head slightly and left with Logan.

While in the corner, Yolanda saw everything not far away. She came over cautiously and patted Anna on her shoulder, "Anna, are you okay?"

The loneliness on Anna’s face quickly disappeared. She looked at her in surprise with a lovely face, "Yolanda, when are you here?"

"Oh, Anna, don’t pretend. I have seen it all." Yolanda said.

Anna looked depressed, "Your brother doesn’t want me anymore."

"Why does that matter?" Yolanda snorted, "I don’t like Elena at all. Isn’t she too proud?"

"Yolanda," Anna held her hand.

Judging from her appearance, Yolanda got angrier, "Anna, I will surely help you! How coldly he is treating you now. He must still be angry about the past."

"How could it be. He said..."

"Never mind what he said. You don’t know what he’s thinking." Yolanda whispered to Anna and then gave her a reassuring look.


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