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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 119

Sitting in the car, Elena felt so sorry about what happened today. Seemingly she spoiled the dinner. Logan tried to comfort her, "It’s not your fault, take it easy."

"Logan…" She said in a low voice.

Logan patted her head on his shoulder, and said mildly, "Yes?"

Thinking about Anna, she felt upset, "You are so nice. I am afraid someone might steal you from me."

Logan frowned, "Don’t worry. Only you will love a man like me."

"That’s not true!" Elena said. Anna wanted to push her away from Logan so that she could be back to him. Then Elena looked at him, "Stop judging yourself like that. You are the best!"

Logan was surprised about what she said yet felt so warm, "Then please only look at me and don’t let me go."

"Of course!" She said.

Logan looked at her soft hair, and couldn’t help smiling, "If I have to sacrifice my legs to have you in my life, I am willing as well. So don’t worry, no one can steal me from you."

Thinking of his leg, she felt sad. She buried herself in his arms, "To be honest, I wondered why I married you at first. And I even felt wronged, too."

He wasn’t surprised, but she added, "But thank God, I made a right decision."

Logan gave her a kiss on her forehead at once, "Me too."

Elena was shy because of his kiss. She pushed him away slightly and felt worried, "What about Grandpa? Will he be angry? Did we go too far today? After all, they…"

"Not at all." Logan answered, "It’s their fault. They didn’t respect you. So, we didn’t want to talk to them, either."

She lowered her head. Logan was right, but she still felt restless.

He received a message and had a quick look. Elena couldn’t see who sent it to him. Then Logan said, "Elena, we are going on a business trip to B City, together."

"So suddenly? Why?" She blurted it out.

No wonder she was surprised. She knew he didn’t enjoy going outside long ago. Even during their wedding trip, they only visited a few places close to the hotel.

"Well," Logan put the phone back and said calmly, "I think you are bored, so let’s go to visit some places."

Elena thought it might be for work. So she agreed.

Jacob drove them to the villa without making any comments. Mia was standing there waiting for them already. And they saw someone was kneeling down before Mia.

"Bianca?" Elena was surprised to recognize her. She looked at Logan and said, "Bianca left a few days ago, didn’t she? Why is she here?"

The car stopped in front of them, which drew Mia and Bianca’s attentions.

Before Elena got off the car, Bianca rushed to her and knelt, crying, "Mrs. Brown, please, please help my mother!"

"What happens?"


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