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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 120

At night, Jacob reported the news he got. However, things didn’t go swimmingly. The CCTV in the restaurant was hacked by someone. The recording Bianca told them was deleted on purpose.

Logan wasn’t surprised at the result. He said, "Then get all the videos nearby. Try your best to find out who she is."

"As you requested, I will get them soon." Jacob reported.

Logan nodded, "Arrange a trip to B city tomorrow."

"Get it."

Hearing their conversation, Elena sighed, "No clue at all?"

"Not really," Logan said.

Elena frowned, showing confusion.

He patted her head slightly and said, "Don’t overthink. Go to sleep now. We are leaving for B City tomorrow."

Elena asked him, "What about you? You don’t go to sleep now?"

"I have a meeting later. I need to attend. You go to bed first." He let go of her hand.

Elena didn’t want to bother him anymore. She went to the bedroom herself while Logan and Jacob went to the study. After closing the door, Jacob said, "Mason will come here tomorrow. By the way, Emma and Jeremy are applying for divorce."

"Emma agreed to let him go?" Logan was a bit surprised. He remembered that she would rather die than divorce him."

"I don’t know. But she is abnormal these days. It seems that she doesn’t care about Jeremy anymore." Jacob didn’t understand how love should be, but he smelt something unusual from Emma’s change.

"It doesn’t matter at all." Logan said in a low voice, then he made a phone call to Zach, "How’s the investigation going?"

Zach got the chance to complain, "Come on! I just reported to you days ago! I need more time!"

"Well, I haven’t paid your bill." Logan said calmly and slowly.

Zach was irritated, but soon he said to Logan obsequiously, "Dear Mr. Brown, go ahead. I will tell you whatever you want to know."


"How did Mason get the money?" He asked about the money of 20 million returned to him.

Zach answered, "I’ve told you in the message. He sold the faulty goods at a high price and sold off all stock he had."

Then Logan asked, "What about the related people?"

"I’m still investigating. Come on, finding a man in this city is like looking for a needle in a haystack. What’s worse, they know little about the truth." Zach said in a discouraging tone.

"You won’t get the final payment if you couldn’t get anything useful."

Hearing his warning, Zach got into a flap, "Logan, how can you treat me like that? I am working for you! And I work so hard! Think of that!"

"You work so hard? I ask you to watch Anna, but she went back to the Lees. And she even went to my grandpa’s house to make trouble." Logan said in a serious tone, pointing out all the mistakes Zach made.

Zach was shocked, "What? When did she go back there? I know nothing about it!"

Zach could smell Logan’s mistrust, so he tried to explain, "Come on, forgive me. I am too busy to watch her. You know, I need to do the investigation. It’s a big project, isn’t it? I really don’t know when she went to the Lees!"

"All right. Keep going. Leave her alone. She might not be back to you in such a short time." Logan rubbed his temple, saying calmly.


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