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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 121

Anna was sitting in the car. And she was crying, “Grandpa, is Logan unwilling to meet us? I just want to apologize to him.”

Grandpa George was upset and annoyed, but he tried his best to hide his feeling. He tried to call Elena but she didn’t answer. That was because Elena didn’t know where her phone was since Logan took it for her this morning.

“Grandpa, do they answer?” Anna said in a crying tone.

“They turn off the phone. Perhaps they are boarding.”

Anna was worried, “What should I do? I just want to apologize for what happened yesterday. But they left without telling us. Are they really angry with me?”

Grandpa George was also annoyed, so he didn’t answer her.

It was not so easy for him to get closer to Logan during these years. However, what happened yesterday might make it worse. And now, he didn’t meet Logan. He wondered if Logan left on purpose.

Anna didn’t get a reply from him, so she pulled his sleeve and wanted him to answer, “Grandpa…”

Grandpa George was getting impatient now. He gave her a sharp stare and said in an unfriendly tone, “You should have apologized to them yesterday. But you just missed your chance! Now they are not at home, what can I do!”

“I…” Anna was scolded by Grandpa George. She kept her head down, making herself look so guilty and pitiful, “I’m so sorry, Grandpa.”

Grandpa George realized he just lost his bad temper but he didn’t want to apologize to Anna, so he chose to keep silent and looked out of the window.

While Anna saw Mason outside the window, she couldn’t help asking, “Grandpa, who’s that? He seems so sad.”

“Well.” Grandpa George showed his detestation towards him, “He is Elena’s father. He is the one who wanted Emma to marry Logan at first. But at last Logan married Elena.”

“Emma? One of his daughters?”

“Yes. She is married, too. And it’s said that she is pregnant.” Grandpa George nodded, and added, “But I heard that they were divorcing. Well, things change all the time. But the baby is innocent. Alas!”

Anna nodded, but no one could tell if she really cared what he said just now.

After a while, she said, “Well, speaking of the baby, Logan and Elena have married for half a year. Do they plan to have a baby?”

Grandpa George was surprised that she would ask about the baby thing, stammering, “Well…Logan thinks…it’s too early…No hurry.”

“But you want to see your great grandson as soon as possible, don’t you? Grandpa…”

Grandpa George stopped her by a sigh, “It’s up to them. By the way, your parents are looking forward to your wedding, aren’t they?”

“…I…” Anna didn’t know how to reply.

Grandpa George implied, “Logan became angry yesterday mostly because of you. Yolanda wasn’t that thoughtful, always talking about your past. Well, you know, it’s no good talking about past. Logan has moved on already. He was afraid that Elena would be unhappy, so he left with her.”

“Grandpa!” Anna understood what he implied. She was embarrassed with her face turning pale.

“Anna, what’s wrong?”

Anna tried to compose herself, clenching her fists so tightly. She looked at Grandpa George, and decided to tell a lie, “Grandpa, actually, I have a boyfriend now. I just don’t want to tell my parents so soon. I never expect to make them worry about me.”

Grandpa George was dumbfounded. He was embarrassed that he overthought. So he said with an awkward smile, “Oh, congratulations. Well, I thought…”


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