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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 186

Sophia heard that they might have left. When she went downstairs and proved that she was right, she felt a little sad.

Zach was sad, too. “Why? Are you disappointed that your idol left without telling you? Humph, can’t you see I’m still here?”

“Why do I care?”

“Why not?” Zach was angry, “Do you think I can’t compete with Logan? You treat him as your idol. But you treat me like nobody! You don’t care about me at all!”

Sophia made a funny face to him, “Yes, you are right. I treat you like nobody. What’s more, you are just nobody in my heart! I don’t want to see you at all!”

The next second, Zach pulled her into his arms, which shocked Sophia. She stepped back at once, staring at him angrily.

Zach asked, “Why didn’t you join our conversation?”

“Why…you have too many questions!” Sophia looked away, feeling uneasy. She didn’t know why she wanted to avoid his eye contact now.

Zach wasn’t happy about her answer, “Tell me! Why!”

“I know you were having a serious conversation. I don’t think I should stay.” She said in a low voice.

She saw Logan’s serious look and knew that they were talking about something very important. So she thought she shouldn’t stay to join it.

Zach grumbled, “Come on! Why couldn’t you stay? You are my girl.”

“What?!” Sophia was shocked, glaring at him, “Who is your girl?! Watch your words! If you need a girl, go to Anna!”

Zach laughed, “No ‘Anna’ anymore! We are over! Let me tell you officially I am courting you!”

Sophia spread her hands in a gesture of disbelief, “Sorry, I can’t see it at all.”

She only could see that Zach always made fun of her. She couldn’t tell if he really wanted her, or just wanted to tease her.

Zach felt hurt, and said in a sad tone, “You’re heartless! How cruel you are! Why can’t you see that we actually have a crush on each other?”

“What are you talking about?! Bullshit!” Sophia ignored his crazy remarks and wanted to run away.

But Zach had predicted her next move. So he stopped her, demanding, “Sophia! Well, I am thirsty now! I want coffee. Go get it for me now!”

Hearing his command, Sophia stopped walking away and turned around, “What?!”

“What? Can’t you hear me? Coffee! Don’t forget that you can earn money if you give me a cup of coffee. What are you complaining about? You know, I could buy it outside.” Zach said in an unpleasant tone.

Sophia gritted her teeth in anger. She forced herself to smile, “Fine! I am doing it!”

‘Coffee?! Alright! I shall make you hate coffee from this second on!’ She thought.

Zach could see how angry Sophia was. He felt a little guilty, but she quickly ran into the kitchen.

Soon after, she took a cup of coffee, which smelt good. But her weird smile made him think that it wasn’t good actually.

“Well, you won’t poison me, will you?” He said in a low tone, looking her with doubt.


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